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Neverwinter: Patch Notes: NW.45.20150416c.10

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Ср 13 май 2015 15:18:15

Maintenance will have its scheduled maintenance on 5/14 at 7AM PDT for roughly 2 hours.

Patch Notes

Classes and Balance

  • Control Wizard
    • Entangling Force: Rank 4 now correctly reduces the Cooldown of Entangling Force and works correctly in the Spell Mastery slot.
    • Chaos Magic: This feat can now no longer be improperly activated out of combat.
    • Icy Terrain: This power now correctly reduces the cooldown at rank 4.
    • Arcane Power Field: This power no longer improperly activates while not slotted.
  • Devoted Cleric:
    • Anointed Army: This power now works as expected at Rank 4.
    • Break the Spirit: Empowered bonus on this power now works as expected.
    • Geas: Players in PVP can only be affected by Geas once every 30 seconds.
    • Geas: This power now properly respects control immunities.
    • Urgent Prayers: The heal from this feat can no longer be deflected.
  • Great Weapon Fighter: Weapon Master: Rank 4 of this power now works as expected.
  • Hunter Ranger
    • Aimed Shot: Rank 4 of this power now correctly reduces the charge time of the power.
    • Aspect of the Lone Wolf: Rank 4 now increases Deflect as expected.
    • Stormstep Action: This class feature no longer grants more recharge than expected with Seismic Shot.
  • Oathbound Paladin
    • Sanctuary: The root from Icy Rays (and other similar powers) no longer incorrectly piereces Sanctuary's CC Immunity.
    • Vengeful Judge: Now works as expected for all Paladin Paragon Paths.
    • Vow of Emnity: No longer has negative interactions with Weapon Enchantments.
  • Scourge Warlock: All Consuming Curse: This class feature will no longer incorrectly activate while the power is not slotted.

Content and Environment

  • Dread Ring: The daily event now displays the correct rewards for each day.
  • Sharandar: Hunter Rangers may now use the sharandar store.
  • Tiamat's Hoard: Update the Hoard text to reflect the actual rewards given out in the Tiamat fight.

Items and Economy

  • Companions: Augment companion stats no longer go down when upgraded to Legendary quality.
  • Items
    • Dragon Queen's Key: Updated the text to display the correct items that can be awarded. This is a text change only, it now properly displays the chest can award the Elemental Alliance armor.
    • Inscribed Shirt and Pants for Oathbound Paladin now scale after level 60.
    • Lifedrinker Weapon: No longer incorrectly stacks multiple times."
    • Professions: Leadership: the Enchanted Coffer reward had a bug that skewed its rewards to Elemental Resources. From now on Enchanted Coffers will be much more varied in their rewards.
    • Sound of the Sea shirt can now be properly equipped by Oathbound Paladins.


Performance and Stability

  • We have identified and resolved an issue that some powers could stick around indefinitely under certain conditions (Arcane Singularity and others) and over the course of a servers lifetime could begin to cause server performance issues.
  • We have made some server adjustments to Adventure Zone maps to help combat lag and rubberbanding.

User Interface

  • Item Level is now more prominent on item tooltips.



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