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Dev Blog: Minsc & Boo in Neverwinter

Автор: Akromatik | Ср 18 фев 2015 09:00:00

Greetings adventures!

As you might know, we’ll be seeing some familiar faces in Neverwinter pretty soon and we’ve got Simon Lucas of the Neverwinter team to tell us about integrating these iconic characters into Neverwinter! Check out what he has to say about bringing Minsc and Boo to life in Neverwinter:

One of the most exciting parts of working with an established IP is the chance to add familiar and much-loved elements into the game for fans and players to enjoy. Sometimes these elements are small, Easter Egg-type additions, or background information only the dedicated players will pick up on. Other times we get to use classic or iconic D&D characters and place them front and center in our game. Our next module is one of those times.

Minsc and Boo are two extremely colorful and much-loved characters from the Forgotten Realms lore, and we’re bringing them to Neverwinter for the first time with the release of the Elemental Evil module. The quirky ranger and his miniature giant space hamster companion were last seen in the Legends of Baldur’s Gate comic series by IDW, having spent the previous century petrified as statues.

Restored to flesh and blood and once more roaming the Realms, Minsc and Boo are bold and humorous companions and steadfast allies. Now players will have the chance to adventure alongside the intrepid pair and uncover the secrets behind the rise of Elemental Evil.

Through a series of introductory quests the heroes of Neverwinter discover a terrible plot that threatens the whole of the Sword Coast.

The story opens with the players meeting the Archdruid Morningdawn in Protector’s Enclave. He has been escorted to the city bearing a precious package—the Tree of Elemental Balance. His escort on this important trek was the famous ranger, Minsc. As always, Minsc is accompanied by his faithful companion, Boo. Thus introduced to the pair, players get to adventure alongside them and investigate the rise of Elemental Evil.

Throughout their adventures together, players can expect a healthy dose of Minsc’s irrepressible and enthusiastic optimism. Minsc persistently encourages players to take the fight to the enemy, placing armored boots on elemental backsides with righteous fury.

As the story unfolds, the heroes discover the extent of the danger and must save Neverwinter from destruction. Through this quest line Minsc and Boo fight alongside the heroes, providing information and assistance in Minsc’s own, inimitable style. GO FOR THE EYES, BOO!

- Simon Lucas, Neverwinter Designer

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