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Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest Winners!

Автор: Akromatik | Чт 06 ноя 2014 13:54:00

At long last, the time has come for us to announce the winners of the Cult of the Dragon Foundry contest!

For the past months, we've been featuring all of the eligible entries submitted to the contest. Finally, we've counted the accumulated stars and we have winners! Without further ado, let's announce the winners and their prizes:

1st Prize: Relative Security by sarlacc1979 - NW-DJUTP3QSAA Neverwinter Hero of the North Pack, a mount of your choice, and a companion of their choice!

2nd Prize: Shadows of Purple Wings by thrymskvida - NW-DEYV5SVQ9A Neverwinter Hero of the North Pack!

3rd Prize: Well of Dragons by waryur - NW-DTPJEKZCTA Guardian of Neverwinter or Knight of the Feywild Pack (Author’s choice!)

Judges' Choice:  Sharandar's Defense by topwicz - NW-DQ38CSSFWA Dragonborn Legend Pack!

Another Judges' Choice: Arsleu'Tel'Quess by sn0wst0rmz - NW-DFAZGGI7YA Dragonborn Legend Pack!

Winners have been contacted via forum private message, so keep an eye on those inboxes!

We hope you enjoy playing and rating these quests as much as we have. We would also like to thank all who participated and created wonderful quests that will be forever immortalized in the Neverwinter Foundry! Happy questing!

Click here to register for Neverwinter, the Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Get a head start in-game by purchasing Neverwinter item packs which include unique companions, mounts, boosts, and exclusive benefits!

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