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Foundry Spotlight: Cult of the Dragon

Автор: sominator | Ср 12 фев 2014 11:51:35

Welcome to the Neverwinter Foundry Spotlight!

The Foundry is Neverwinter’s featured toolset that allows players to create dungeons, stories, and adventures for everyone to play and experience.  With the Foundry, you can build your own missions, brimming with quests, non-player characters (NPCs), monsters, role-playing opportunities, and/or non-stop combat, and share them with the world.  Your imagination is the springboard for the Neverwinter Foundry.

The Foundry Spotlight is a community-driven column that focuses on hand-picked, inventive player-created dungeons that allow for action-packed combat, fun roleplaying opportunities, or other unique experiences.  These exciting missions are recommended if you’re looking for a place to start with playing user-generated content, or searching for inspiration for your own future dungeons.

This month’s spotlighted quest is “Cloak Tower: Cult of the Dragon” by Izatar, the third-place winner of the Foundry Contest: Tower District!

Quest Type: Solo dungeon delve

Average Duration: 45 minutes

Amount of Combat: Heavy

Starts at: World Map

Mission Summary:

The Cult of the Dragon quickly occupied the Cloak Tower after the defeat of Vansi Bloodscar and the Many-Arrows orcs. This time they are being led by an actual dragon named Dreadfire the Usurper!

Sergeant Knox has formed a rag-tag party of adventurers to go into the Cloak Tower and evict the cultists and their dragon from the tower.  Meet your party in the Cloak Tower to start the adventure.


“Very creative” – flambridge

“It was fun and fast-paced” – marcc99

“Awesome quest!!!” – dalix12e

Author Tips:

This is a dungeon delve style quest with a lot of combat. It can be soloed by any class at any level; however some classes may find certain battles difficult. Bring lots of potions and some injury kits!

There is an optional side-quest that entails finding skill nodes. If you leave an instance without finding all of them, you will be warned. Once you leave an instance you cannot go back and finish the optional side quest. There are also a few other Easter eggs that are not on the golden path, so exploration is rewarded.

Join the discussion on the Foundry Contest: Tower District forum thread!

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