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Neverwinter: Demonweb Pits Dev Blog Hub

Автор: Percemer | Вт 18 июл 2023 10:25:46

Neverwinter: Demonweb Pits is now live on PC, Xbox and PlayStation!

This new expansion marks the end of the Menzoberranzan story arc by introducing a new adventure zone, Narbondellyn, that lets you explore the grounds of House Fey-Branche, a powerful house of Menzoberranzan. It also brings a challenging Demonweb Pits dungeon with an epic battle against Lolth, challenging hunts throughout Menzoberranzan, and quality of life improvements, including a new streamlined leveling experience for players.

For more details, check out the following blogs!

Announcing Neverwinter:
Demonweb Pits

The Planar Panic
Lock Box!

Dev Blog: Narbondellyn
Adventure Zone

Dev Blog:
Demonweb Pits Dungeon

Dev Blog:
Abyssal Hunts

The Chaos Between Realms
Battle Pass!

Walk the
Hero's Path

Demonweb Pits
Launch Patch Notes

Welcome to the
Demonweb Pits!

New Items in
the Zen Market!





neverwinter, nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-xbox, nw-playstation, media, nw-media,

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