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New key bundle and booster pack!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Вт 13 авг 2019 09:44:40

With the launch of Neverwinter: Uprising, new items are available in the Zen Market:

Star Rover Key Bundle

This stellar new key bundle includes 20 Enchanted Keys and 1 piece of Star Rover gear (this gear is intended for level 80 characters and is class appropriate for the character that opens it).


Gith Booster Pack

Adventures can unlock the gith race for free during the next 4 weeks* but we are also making a booster pack available for those who want to welcome their new gith with some goodies. This pack includes:

  • 3x Epic Insignia Choice Pack
  • 3x Bonding Runestone Rank 8
  • Adventurer’s Support Pack
  • 1 month VIP
  • Race reroll token
  • Character slot
  • Gith Supplies
    • Striped Rage Drake mount
    • Githyanki companion
    • Stardock Sentry title
    • Gith Fashion
    • Gith Bag of Holding (30 slot bag)

This pack is a one-time purchase per account with the Gith Supplies subpack re-claimable on each character

 *First two weeks available only to VIP members, second 2 weeks available to all players who log in during that time-frame. 



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