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SteelSeries Gift-a-thon!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Вт 21 ноя 2017 10:00:00

Looking to test out the SteelSeries GameSense Integration introduced in Swords of Chult? SteelSeries is running their first ever Gift-a-thon Giveaway starting November 21 until November 30! Prizes include SteelSeries gear, Neverwinter-in-game codes, “SteelSeries for life”, and more!

For details, check out their site!

Neverwinter Prizes include Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Packs and Neverwinter Hero of the North Packs (PC Only).

From 11/21-11/27, the Sensei 310 mouse, Rival 310 mouse, Apex 750 keyboard, and Arctis 5 headset will all be on sale as part of product bundles. These are all RGB products and will be available to North American customers (supplies may be limited in Asia/Europe).


GameSense Integration effects:

1.       All SteelSeries devices are lit up in an orange color during loading screens and when playing the game out of combat, not including keys being used for other purposes.

2.       When in combat, all devices shift from orange to blue, not including keys being used for other purposes.

3.       The macro keys are an Action Point bar, with the keys lighting up in gold as the action points fill.

4.       The primary keys for both Daily powers become lit when Action Points become full. These keys flash the action bar color continuously until the action points go down.

5.       The primary key for an equipped Artifact power becomes lit when the Artifact is not on cooldown. This key is lit in a flashing white.

6.       The F1-F12 keys are a health bar with a gradient from green to red. When damage is taken, fewer keys are light and the color gets closer to red. When health is below 50% the keys flash. When it goes below 20% they flash even faster

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