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Patch Notes: Version: NW.85.20170808a.9

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 31 авг 2017 07:00:00

Content and Environment


  • Heart of Darkness: Players who disconnect or change maps during the "Continue through the Chultan Jungle" objective no longer become stuck.
  • House of the Crocodile: When playing as a group, the "Gather your party" circle to enter the fight against Ras Nsi now properly functions.
  • The suggested item level for Soshenstar River is now 10k (reduced from 12k).


  • The barkeep in Protector's Enclave once again sells ale.
    • Don't forget to tip. 



Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance

  • Scourge Warlock: Soul Puppets should no longer disappear as soon as they're summoned.

Item Powers

  • Ring of the Curse Bringer applies Partial Paralysis less frequently.  (It had previously applied more frequently than expected.)
  • Ring of the Curse Bringer no longer displays an unimportant icon on the player who equips it.

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