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Services & Character Slot Sale!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 03 авг 2017 07:00:00

Heroes may find themselves in need of assistance to take on the new Tomb of Annihilation content. Thankfully, Lord Neverember and the Merchant Princes have teamed up to hold Service Category and Character Slot sales this weekend! All items in the Service Category will be 20% off while Character slots will be 80% off!

Service and Character Slot Sale Starts Thursday, August 3 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

Service and Character Slot Sale Ends Monday, August 7 at 7:30am PT

Among the many Services on sale are the updated and expanded Campaign Buyouts and Power Points! Power Points are tradeable and allow level 70 characters to spend additional power points on any combat power, up to the maximum allowed.

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