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Neverwinter 2x Seals, 2x Underdark Currency, 15% Preservation Wards

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 08 дек 2016 08:00:00

Double your weekend fun in Neverwinter with 2x Seals (PC/Console) and 2x Underdark Campaign Currency (PC Only)! Anytime you would get Seals or Underdark Currency, you will get twice the amount.

Underdark Currency can be obtained from Demonic Heroic Encounters, Throne of the Dwarven Gods, Prophecy of Madness, and Demogorgon.

In addition, Preservation Wards are 15% off this weekend!

2x Seals (PC/Console) and Underdark Campaign Currency (PC) starts: Thursday, December 8 at 7:30AM PT (or after maintenance) for PC and 10am PT for console.

15% off Preservation Wards sale starts: Thursday, December 8 at 6:30AM PT (or after maintenance) for PC and 9am PT for console.

2x Seals (PC/Console) and Underdark Campaign Currency (PC) ends: Monday, December 12 at 6:29AM PT for PC and 9am PT for console.

15% off Preservation Wards sale ends: Monday, December 12 at 6:29AM PT for PC and 9am PT for console. 


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