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2x Seals and Professions, 20% off Packs Weekend!

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Чт 10 ноя 2016 08:00:00

We have another weekend full of events and sales! If you're missing any gear or want to add to your collection of enchants, 2x Seals is here to be your savior. Anytime you would get Seals, like from Dungeons, you'll get twice that amount.

2x Professions is also on this weekend where you'll get double the Professions Resources from nodes, double the XP from Professions except Alchemy and Black Ice Shaping, and the cost to upgrade the Black Ice Forge beyond level 3 is halved!

Finally, all Packs are 20% off in the Zen Market!

2x Seals and Professions, 20% Packs sale starts: Thursday, November 10 at 7:30AM PT (or after maintenance)

2x Seals and Professions, 20% Packs sale ends: Monday, November 14 at 7:30AM PT

Time to make like a dragon and hoard those seals, resources, and Packs!

nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-events, zen-market,

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