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Livelock: PAX South Recap

Автор: Jayson | Пт 05 фев 2016 11:00:00


Hello World,

We started the Livelock awakening process last week with the official announcement of our top-down cooperative action shooter. The week began with the reveal of our gameplay announcement trailer along with a post on the PlayStation blog. This was only the beginning in what will be an exciting lead up to launch later in 2016.

The team at Perfect World Entertainment and Tuque Games then ventured to San Antonio for the second annual PAX South to give media a quick sneak peek at what is to come with Livelock. Jeff Hattem and Kevin Neibert, our executive producer/creative director and lead game designer, walked media through a demo of Hex - showcasing his maneuverability and high damage output - in a wasteland map. Media partners were also able to get their hands on a three player co-op demo as three Hex players made their way down a bridge with to take down the enemy defense of one of the rogue clusters.

PAX South was a great kick off point to our campaign. We have a ton more to show including two new playable characters, highlights for the variety of enemies that players will encounter and strategies to take back Earth in an effort to regain humanity.

For now, here’s a few key media highlights from our trip down to San Antonio:







The Livelock process will continue on our ForumsFacebook and Twitter until its release later in 2016. Follow us for exclusive content including the latest news, developer chats, concept art, and more.


ll-news, arc-news,

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