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Girl Power in PWI!

Par thenamesdomino | ven. 06 mai 2016 10:00:00 PDT

Greetings Perfect World!

The month of May is Girl Power month in PWI! Here’s a little fun fact, did you know that our operations staff is composed entirely of women?  This month we’re going to go behind the scenes of your favorite game and wanted to give you the opportunity to ask them some questions!

Did you want to know how they were able to break into the industry? What challenges they have had to face in a market predominately populated by men? This is your chance to ask! The questions you pose will be circulated with our operations teams both here and in China!

If you want to ask a question go to This Thread

Here are the rules:
- The thread will be open for questions from today until 7pm PDT on Monday, May 9th
- Don't use the thread to report bugs or issues. We have plenty of other threads open for this very reason.
- Don't ask us when X bug will be fixed. We are working to get lots of the high priority issues resolved and fixes will be in when they get in, also we will be reporting them in our patch notes when available.
- Please be respectful of others when posing your questions. We want this to be a safe and friendly place where people who are curious can come to ask us all sorts of stuff.
- Please stay on topic. If you see a question that spurns your need to respond, please open your own thread and discuss it there.

Aside from that this is going to be a pretty open forum... Operators are Standing By.

pwi-events, pwi-news,

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