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Patch Notes: NW.61.20160515pa.26

Par Andy (StrumSlinger) | lun. 22 août 2016 18:52:00 PDT


Stability has significantly improved!

A bonus Double Astral Diamond weekend has been added from August 25 - 29.  Thank you for playing!


Content and Environment


  • The dungeon, Pirate King's Retreat, is now available!
  • Text and voice-over throughout the game has received various tweaks and improvements.


Combat and Powers

Player Classes

  • Devoted Cleric powers now consistently have sound effects.


Items and Economy


  • Electric Tiger: This mount is now Uncommon quality, increased from Common.  This is only a cosmetic change; the movement speed increase already matched that of an Uncommon mount.
  • Neverwinter Champion's Charger: This mount now properly makes sound when playing its "jump when standing still" animation.


User Interface

Account Linking

  • The Account Linking dialog box now properly closes when finished, even if the player spent over an hour linking their account.



  • Players may now post items with a face button in the "My Consignments" tab.


Character Creation

  • Players may no longer bypass the character limit with a Rename Token.



  • When attempting to turn in a quest remotely, the screen is now properly functional.


Voice Chat

  • Players are now properly removed from voice chat when they return to the login screen.
  • Voice chat can no longer connect to a player when you have them blocked.
  • Voice chat now properly remains functional when reconnecting after a network disconnect).


Zen Market

  • Temporarily hidden items no longer incorrectly show up in the Zen Market (though unpurchaseable) when the player's inventory is full.


Performance and Stability


  • Unlocking Artifact Powers on an equipped Artifact no longer crashes the client.
  • Various crashes and memory leaks exposed by the large player base have been addressed.
  • When logging into Vellosk or Helm's Hold, or certain other maps, there is no longer a stall.
  • Boss splats in T2 dungeons now appear.
  • When the system is set to the French-Canadian language, French language files are now properly downloaded on startup.  This resolves a crash.




  • The audio levels throughout the game are now more consistent for the French and German languages.
  • The French tutorial tip for the touch pad button now properly has VO consistent with the text.

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