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Simril Festival Rewards: Gifts that Keep on Giving

Par Andy (StrumSlinger) | mer. 16 déc. 2015 10:20:00 PST

The Simril Festival is almost here and it’s returning bigger and better than ever, stacked with new gifts for you and your friends.

The ever-popular Starlight Parcel is returning! Like last year you’ll be able to claim a parcel every day during the festival by speaking to the giftmaster in Twilight Tor. With every parcel you open this year, you’ll unlock the potential to earn increasingly fantastic rewards from other events throughout the year. Alongside all of last year’s rewards, including the highly sought-after Forgehammer of Gond, this year’s parcel will include a number of new items like the Starry Panther mount and the Chef’s Fashion.

The first parcel you open will also net you a Beacon of Simril. This artifact rains down a shower of Simril lanterns that can be picked up by you or your party members to heal. Catch all the lanterns and you’ll gain a temporary power boost. Hit the ice in the Demons on Ice contest to see a new seasonal event boss put this same mechanic to use, just be sure to stop them from collecting too many lanterns if you want any hope of winning!

Similar to the Masquerade of Liars artifact, the beacon may be upgraded through a special seasonal event refinement item—lumens. This new artifact not only has a usable power, it can also be upgraded to mythic quality. Epic rank must be reached through lumens, but further refinement can be completed at your own pace after the event using standard refinement items.

You need look no further than the Starlight Parcel itself for a good source of lumens. Also returning: Gifts of Simril. Those who participated in last year’s festival may recognize this item by its distinct effect: causing your entire party to release lanterns into the sky before being showered by Lights of Simril and other exciting rewards. This year giving a Gift of Simril will also reward lumens.

Team up with four other players and share in the gift-giving spirit. The Gift of Simril rewards your party members, not you, so the more friends (or soon-to-be-friends) you team up with, the more rewards you’ll all receive. Is one gift giving party not enough? You’ll be able to use extra Stars of Fortune to purchase additional Gifts of Simril, and as always, you can buy additional Starlight Parcels in the Zen Market for more chances at rare gifts and a Gift of Simril in every parcel.

Lumens won’t only be found in gift exchange parties though; they’ll also be appearing as additional rewards for completing contests. Speaking of contests, winterkill emblems, rings of lights and the like (which had previously only been used to rank up Simril Lightcrafting) may now be used in additional recipes, including boxes full of lumens. A number of new recipes have been added to the seasonal profession with a focus on increasing convenience and improving rewards.

The list of additions and changes doesn’t stop there. Darek Hammerstone, an Underdark refugee and craftsman, is hard at work on a racing sled that will show up the dwarven racers of Twilight Tor in the seasonal slalom races. Adventurers can help him put the finishing touches on his Demon Sled and obtain one for themselves. He’s looking for Flakes of Blacklead for the sled’s runners. A resource common in the Underdark, blacklead can be obtained from the new Demons on Ice contest near the festival grounds, from fishing up new fish in Twilight Tor, and by completing content in the Underdark such as the queued events: Throne of the Dwarven Gods, and Prophecy of Madness.

This new racing sled has a special ability as well, granting legendary mount speed of 140% while in Twilight Tor. If you’re looking to tear up the slalom track, look no further. Those who are blessed with good fortune may also find a blue Frozen Demon Sled from this year’s Starlight Parcel. With a stronger base speed and blue coloring and effects, this sled also moves at legendary speed in Twilight Tor. It’s not all demon horns and flames though. Those with a taste for cute critters will find the new Snowy Fawn companion. 

This year’s Simril Festival has something for everyone! Be sure to log in, enjoy the event, claim your free Starlight Parcel, and join your fellow adventurers in a gift-giving extravaganza!

Douglas “Asterdahl” Miller

Game Designer

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