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Developer Blog: Rage of Demons Backstory

Par Xeltey | mar. 29 sept. 2015 13:00:00 PDT

By Randy “Arkayne” Mosiondz, Senior Content Designer and Loremaster on Neverwinter

SPOILER WARNING: This reveals many secrets of the Rage of Demons storyline.  If you are playing the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing game Out of the Abyss campaign, or want to experience the story first-hand in Neverwinter, you probably want to stop reading here. Otherwise, continue!

Greetings, adventurers!

Rage of Demons is new epic storyline set in the Forgotten Realms, following in the wake of the Tyranny of Dragons storyline.  It involves a new demonic threat bubbling up from the Underdark, the dangerous and mysterious cavernous underground realm beneath the surface world.

The story begins when the dark elf Gromph Baenre, Archmage of Menzoberranzan, casts a spell that ignites the faezress, the magical energy that suffuses the Underdark. This event tears open portals to the demonic Abyss, home to the chaotic and powerful demon lords. They are forcibly expelled into the Underdark, where they begin a reign of terror.

Unfortunately, the faezress amplifies the corrupting influence of the demon lords, and whole swaths of the Underdark fall under the influence of these beings. Grazz’t, Juiblex, Zuggtmoy, Baphomet, Yeenoghu, Fraz Urb’luu are but of few of the other demon lords spreading their corruption. Orcus plans to turn the Realms into a husk that rots from the inside out. And perhaps the most powerful among them, Demogorgon seeks to turn the world into an utter wasteland.

People across the Sword Coast become aware of this demonic invasion when refugees begin fleeing the Underdark.  The five factions, protectors of the Sword Coast, soon learn from their agents the tales of horror and madness happening in the Underdark.  They begin to gather heroes from all corners of Faerûn to help stop the corruption from seeping onto the surface world, and perhaps even drive the demons back to the Abyss. Among those who answer the call is the legendary ranger Drizzt Do’Urden, who plans to take on the Demogorgon himself!

Will you answer the call and join Drizzt in the battle to rid the world of this demonic menace? Be sure to check out the Rage of Demons storyline in the upcoming Neverwinter: Underdark expansion!


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