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Patch Notes: 1/29

Par Akromatik | mer. 28 janv. 2015 23:11:09 PST

Here are the full patch notes for the maintenance taking place on 1/29.

Patch Notes: NW.35.20150122b.3

Resolved a few scaling and clipping issues with a number of the transmute weapons from Call to Arms events including Tiefling and Orc weapons.

Classes and Balance
Hunter Ranger
- Split the Sky: Rangers may only have one Split the Sky active at a time. Placing a new one will replace the old one.
- Split the Sky: Will no longer apply Swiftness of the Fox to allies.
- Split the Sky: Will no longer improperly trigger Swiftness of the Fox too many times.

Content and Environment
- Lairs: The enlarge spell on the torture cages has been dispelled and are once again an appropriate size.

- The summoning portals have been removed as an asset from the Foundry.

Items and Economy
- Throne of the Lion: Throne of the Lion can no longer be activated while stealthed."

User Interface
- The Turkish Lira symbol in when using Steam now displays as "TRY" instead of an unknown symbol.

Known Issues:


- Inscribed Garment Box’s tooltip shows purple items, but the items inside are blue.

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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