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Patch Notes: Version: NW.100.20180709g.19

Par Julia (nitocris83) | mer. 19 sept. 2018 16:59:58 PDT


  • If players have completed the Portobello's Game campaign, and do not currently have the Apocalypse Dagger, they can now reclaim it once and only once from the Reward Claims Agent. This option will go away when the Heart of Fire module releases.


Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Barovian Hero: This in-game achievement now properly advances while the player is in a party.
  • Card Shark: This in-game achievement now properly gives credit.
  • Collector's Blinsky: This quest now progresses if party members pick up doll heads.
  • Hunters of Chult: This quest now shows a map-wide waypoint.
  • Minor/Major Hero: Minor and Major Heroic Encounters now appropriately give credit toward these achievements.



Items and Economy


  • Eku's Titivated Lion: This mount can now be discarded, and is now Bind to Account on Pickup.
  • Giftwrapped Enchantment packs now properly give enchantments instead of Black Pearls.
  • Insignia of Prosperity: This insignia now properly grants its XP bonus.
  • Seals of the Brave are now properly used instead of Seals of the Protector in Caer-Konig and when purchasing Dragonflight gear.
  • Terrored Grips now have the correct item level, and no longer give negative stats.
  • The debuff caused by the Apocalypse set bonus now properly matches the tooltip and increases damage taken by 1% per stack, instead of… more.
  • The power on Heels of Fury now stacks with Fured Kiuno of the Bear.


  • Dual-stat enchantments now properly function when slotted on gear equipped by Companions.



User Interface


  • Quest gained notifications no longer pop up twice for item-granted quests.
  • The Withdraw button now properly disables when attempting to withdraw more Astral Diamonds from the shared bank than possible.


  • The search cooldown is a little less restrictive now.


  • Sword Coast Chronicle: Duplicate versions of the Tyranny of Dragons and PvP Campaigns no longer appear.

Zen Market

  • Coupons no longer cause the Zen Market to look like every category has a coupon available.



Art, Animation, Audio, and Effects


  • Duvessa Shane no longer incorrectly uses Merrisara Winterwhite's voice in certain situations.
  • Linu La'neral no longer incorrectly uses Darnys Loreweaver's voice in certain situations.

Visual Effects

  • Ras Nsi's Rive warning effect should hopefully clip less frequently with the ground.



Performance and Stability


  • The game no longer performs on-demand patching when on-demand patching is disabled.


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