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Patch Notes: Version: NW.100.20180611a.12

Par Julia (nitocris83) | mer. 11 juil. 2018 16:46:27 PDT

Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Castle Ravenloft: The portcullis after the bridge now opens more consistently.
  • Collector's Blinsky: Players should no longer be able to pick up multiple doll heads, and if they still do, the extra items can now be discarded.
  • Dream Pastries: One of the toadstools is no longer blocked by invisible collision.
  • Players may now properly transfer between instances of the Barovia exterior zone.
  • Martikov Merchants: The final enemy spawn now properly occurs at a reasonable time.


  • Tiamat: Defeating Tiamat's final head no longer requires players to wait for it to animate its retreat before giving victory credit.
  • Tiamat: The timer once again functions.


  • Doing Your Part Expertly: Some typos in this quest's text have been addressed.



Combat and Powers

Enemies and Encounters

  • Spellplague Caverns (Master): The mechanic, "Searing Chains," now functions properly in the Kabal fight. It is once again consistently possible to melt the chains when performing the mechanic as designed.
  • Tomb of the Nine Gods: Ras Nsi's powers now properly show their warning effects facing the correct direction.
    • This fix may address similar issues with other enemies.



Items and Economy


  • Demon Lords' Immortality: This set bonus' effect now properly buffs all powers used by the equipped player. (Note: this does not include companion powers.)
  • Pilgrim Artifact Weapons: These weapons now show their updated source on their Collections page.
  • Ravenloft Starter Pack: This pack no longer incorrectly mentions Stronghold items that it doesn't give.
  • Refer-a-Friend rewards once again appear at the Reward Claims Agent.
  • Soul Sight Crystal: This artifact power's effect now properly buffs all powers used by the casting player. (Note: this does not include companion powers.)
  • Tarokka Deck: The Marionette card's effect now properly affects only minion-rank enemies.



User Interface


  • Characters who hadn't logged in for a long time now properly have a Shared Bank.



Art, Animation, and Effects


  • Thunderhead Enchantment: This enhancement's visual effects now properly grow with the rank of the enhancement, rather than showing at full power even at the lowest rank.
  • Various player powers now properly play at the targeted locations, rather than (usually) on the player or facing an unexpected direction.



Performance and Stability


  • One map-wide disconnect has been addressed.
  • One potential source of out-of-memory crashes has been improved or addressed.



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