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Corsair Custom Neverwinter PC Giveaway!

Par Julia (nitocris83) | ven. 10 nov. 2017 10:00:00 PST

Greetings Adventurers!

CORSAIR and Neverwinter have teamed up to celebrate the CORSAIR dynamic backlighting integration with a Custom PC giveaway!

To enter the giveaway, go to the official giveaway site.

One lucky winner will receive this custom PC:

In addition, everyone who enters will also receive a code for the Tribal Soot Lion in-game mount on PC!

Giveaway starts on November 10, 2017 and ends on November 25, 2017 at 12pm PT.

Giveaway terms and conditions can be found here.


Backlighting integration details:

  • All Corsair devices are lit up in an orange color during loading screens and when playing the game out of combat
  • When in combat, all Corsair devices shift from orange to blue
  • The M1-M5 keys are an Action Point bar, with the keys lighting up in gold as the action points fill
  • When Action Points become full, the entire keyboard flashes gold, and the M1-M5 keys start pulsing from gold to yellow
  • The primary keys for both Daily powers become lit when Action Points become full. These keys strobe for the first five seconds, and then use the same gold-to-yellow pulsing effect as the M1-M5 keys
  • The primary key for an equipped Artifact power becomes lit when the Artifact is not on cooldown. This key is lit in a pulsing white
  • The F1-F12 keys are a red health bar. When damage is taken, the keys that represent the damage taken turn white, and then fade to dark
  • The F1-F12 keys will also represent Temporary Health in yellow

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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