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Patch Notes: Version: NW.90.20171009a.13

Par Julia (nitocris83) | mer. 08 nov. 2017 21:36:40 PST

Release Notes

Content and Environment


  • Tomb of the Nine Gods: Avatar of Orcus no longer gets into a state where it stops attacking players.

Queues / Strongholds

  • Random Dungeon: This daily quest, which rewards 10 Dungeoneer's Shards of Power, is now accessible to level 70 players.
  • The Merchant Prince's Folly: This skirmish has been removed from the "Random: Skirmish" queue.
    • This queue will most likely be added back into the "Random: Skirmish" random queue during a later module, when activity in the skirmish has died down and more players meet the item level requirement.
    • As a result of this change, there is no longer a minimum item level requirement to run "Random: Skirmish."
    • More info here: Dev Blog: Updates to Random Queues



Items and Economy


  • Illusionist's Mask should once again have appropriate refinement properties.
  • Minor text fixes have been made to various items.
  • Siege Master's War Horn: This item no longer considers itself "always on cooldown," preventing it from being swapped out of a slot.



User Interface


  • The Calendar should now show dates on the correct day of the week.  For reals this time.


  • Item pickers in various windows now respect the "By Bag" inventory setting.
  • When the "By Bag" view is set to "Off," empty inventory slots are now displayed.


  • Loadouts can once again properly be swapped after a player has upgraded a slotted artifact.





  • Various text fixes made last week in English are now properly localized for the French, German, Italian, and Russian languages.



Performance and Stability


  • A couple crash cases have been addressed.
  • The hotfixes for server stability last week are now properly integrated into the game build.

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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Profitez de votre statut VIP avec une promotion spéciale réservée aux membres de rang 3 et plus !
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