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Guild Spotlight: Mão de Prata

Par Julia (nitocris83) | ven. 08 sept. 2017 10:00:00 PDT

What’s the story behind how your guild was founded?

It all started 3 years ago when Solembum were removed as officer from another guild and decided with his friend Justice, another officer, to start their own guild. After refusing a bit, Justice asked Heberus and fill the leadership. 12/25/2013 is when Mão de Prata (Silver Hand) were born based on the book Eragon: Argetlam, meaning Silver Hand in common language, those who were marked with dragon pact.

All members of Mão de Prata, share their minds and souls with those magical creatures, including many of their powers. It`s up to the Order of Dragon Riders, silver hands, to fight for peace and the balance between all conscious races. After one year of foundation, Heberus quit playing, and Zaca due his efforts as member and later as officer was invited to join Justice and Solembum as leader. This is how Mão de Prata rolls.


What’s the message you want conveyed about your guild?

We are responsible to rebuild Mão de Prata, being friends to dragons to bring back those far times of peace and glory. Our main goal is to have a place where all members can grow and learn, respecting each other.


If your guild had a superpower, what would it be?

The necessary strength to finish all the enemies and unite all Brazilians.


Any favorite hang-out spots?

We can`t think of any other place different of Stronghold. This is the spot where many members can hang together, doing a big activity as guild, fighting for our home! This place still being important to bring our second guild, Mão de Ferro (Iron Hand), to level 20, currently level 15 and it also works as a good training spot.


If your guild was surrounded by a horde of zombies from the Dread Ring, what would you do?

Shield wall to protect the children while we unleash ours powerful GWF`s followed by archers and mages supporting them and then all other classes. Poor zombies, I feel pity for them.


What’s one of the best guild events you’ve done?

Dragonflight is the best event. One year ago we got our Stronghold to lvl 20 and that wouldn`t be possible without Dragonflight.


If your guild was an animal, what would it be?

A wasp fits us best. Like a huge hive of wasps working with cooperation, coordination and a deadly army suits perfectly to Mão de Prata.


What do you like the most about Tomb of Annihilation?

Hunts for sure. This is a new feature in game and it`s really funny to play with guild. Tomb of the Nine Nods is also one the most beautiful dungeons.


Who can players contact if they want either more information or want to join the guild?

We are a national Brazilian guild, so all portuguese speakers are welcome to join us.

In game you can contact: @krauller, @crisz#7731 or @bozzomaldito

Fill out an application form here: https://goo.gl/tXLHQ3


Any final comments?

A very special thanks to all Mão de Prata members and ex members who helped to build our castle, to the Helm Guild of our alliance, Gutbusters Brigade and all the others guilds that makes us the strongest alliance in game and for last but not least, Andy and Julia for this great opportunity.

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