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D&D: The Sundering and DemonWars: Reformation

Par sominator | mar. 06 août 2013 17:52:29 PDT


Our friends at Wizards of the Coast have launched the D&D Sundering Adventurer’s Chronicle, a reporting tool that allows D&D Encounters players to track their weekly exploits that will subsequently help shape the future of the Forgotten Realms!


Watch the new trailer:



Learn more about The Sundering on the Wizards of the Coast website, or sign up here!


Excitingly, bestselling author R.A. Salvatore is also launching a new project, DemonWars: Reformation, "an old-school tabletop RPG focused on fast set-up, engaging combat and open-ended non-combat action.”  Check out the Kickstarter here!


Click here to register for Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Become a Knight of the Feywild or Hero of the North today with a Feywild Pack or Neverwinter Pack purchase!


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