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Neverwinter Xbox One: Elemental Evil Patch Notes

By Andy (StrumSlinger) | Mon 07 Sep 2015 02:05:00 PM PDT

New Features


Level Cap increased to 70!

With the release of Elemental Evil we are increasing the level cap and the many systems that are associated with that including:

  • New Class Features, Encounter Powers and Feats for each class!
  • Enchantments and Runestones may now be refined up to rank 12!
  • Artifacts may be refined up to rank 120 in the new Mythic quality.
  • A new secondary artifact slot is unlocked at level 70.
  • Companions can now earn Legendary quality and gain up to rank 40 with new passive powers to unlock! Companions can all also gain 5 new ranks regardless of their current quality.
  • Professions can now all reach level 25.
  • New items, potions, refinement stones and profession resources to accommodate for the new level cap!


Any existing overflow experience will be available and contribute towards rewards once level 70 is reached.

The Tree of Elemental Balance

In the center of Protector’s Enclave, the Emerald Enclave has brought forth a wondrous mystical creation known as the Tree of Elemental Balance. Here, they hope to counter the unnatural elemental disturbances occurring across the Sword Coast. With the help of the irrepressible Rashemi Ranger Minsc and his miniature giant space hamster Boo, heroes will help investigate the strange new cults at the heart of the elemental havoc.

Players at level 60 who want to help in the fight against Elemental Evil should talk to Sergeant Knox or Archdruid Morningdawn in Protector’s Enclave. Once you complete the investigation quests with Minsc and Boo (ending with “Swords for Everyone!”) you will be able to access the new 61-70 Elemental Evil Adventure Zones.

Drowned Shore – Level 61

Available after the quest “Swords for Everyone”

In the wake of the defeat of the Blackdagger Bandits, trade along the High Road gradually resumed. Rangers of the Emerald Enclave took it upon themselves to guide merchants and travelers through the stretch of coastal forest that surrounds the Blackdagger Ruins, while keeping watch to assure the fortress did not become home to some other baneful force.

A contingent of dwarf miners under Udo Stonekin took up working the abandoned mines in the area with modest success.

Meanwhile, Lord Neverember assigned a small contingent of Neverwinter Guards to garrison the lighthouses at Raven Cliff Beach with orders to prevent those beacons from falling into the hands of pirates and wreckers as happened once before.

The Guards were somewhat surprised to find an ornate tower built on the shore. They learned this tower was built by followers of Lliira who called it the Fountain of Delights. Visitors were offered relaxing, scented baths. Seeing no harm in this, the guards went about their business.

Reclamation Rock – Level 63

After the Ashamadai were defeated, Lord Neverember decreed that Helm's Hold should be fully rebuilt, as he plans to use the fortress-city as a vital supply point as he pursues Neverwinter's enemies and consolidates his hold on the interior lands of the Sword Coast. However, as Neverwinter's forces became engaged in numerous conflicts, troops were drawn away from the Helm's Hold garrison, and the city council began to feel their city was vulnerable, and grew nervous. 

Despite the protests of several prominent city councilors, the Helm's Hold council began to search for alternate means of insuring their safety. It was at this time that they were approached by the Black Earth mercenary company. The Black Earth presented themselves as a new mercenary company, chartered by a Whaterdhavian noble, well trained and armed, and experts with earth-based magic. They offered to protect Helm's Hold for a very low figure, so long as they were allowed to build a keep nearby to act as a base for their own operations. Such situations weren't unheard of, Baldur's Gate to the south had such a long relationship with the Flaming Fist mercenary company that they now also served as the city watch. Furthermore, it would be years before Helm's Holds walls could be repaired, so having a fort nearby could provide a great deal of security. The city council of Helm's Hold, growing every fearful for the safety of their city following a number of attacks on merchants from bulettes, were eager to sign the deal.

Lord Neverember was wary of allowing a mercenary force to build its own keep inside his territory, but he had tamed mercenary armies to his will before. The Mintarn mercenaries he'd originally hired to secure his hold on Neverwinter over a decade ago were now the well-respected Neverwinter Guard. He also knew the Whaterdhavian noble who had founded the Black Earth mercenaries, Marlos Urnrayle, and was certain that if Urnrayle planned to set up his own kingdom, Neverember could easily handle any questions of loyalty with his own influence in Waterdeep (and his much deeper coffers). He approved the deal on a trial basis, and called Captain Dunfield out of retirement to return to lead the garrison force in Helm's Hold, determine who on the city council were trustworthy and who Urnrayle might have in his pocket, and keep an eye on the Black Earth Mercenaries. Finally, he was intrigued in the Black Earth's claim that they could build their fortress in a day with their magic. If they proved disloyal as mercenaries, the survivors might be useful as engineers. With his own precautions and people in place, Lord Neverember cautiously approved the deal.

Initially, everything worked well. The Black Earth mercenaries patrolled the town, protected the roads, and aided in the reconstruction effort. There were even able to raise their fortress in a single day using their elemental magic just as they had claimed, and called it Reclamation Rock. However, this also showed the first true strain, as the fortress appeared a full league closer to Helm's Hold than had been agreed on, tearing up from the earth where once Neverwinter's forces had made their stand against the Ashmadai at the Last Redoubt. Despite the Black Earth's claim that it was an accident caused by magical disturbances, relations between the city and its new guardians began to go downhill. 

Fiery Pit – Level 65

When Gauntlgrym was rediscovered, descendants of the Delzoun dwarves worked tirelessly to rebuild the fabled city and take hold of its wealth. However, they soon discovered that the task of rebuilding was monumental, and begrudgingly sought outside help. In doing so, they hired on a large team of skilled artisans form the surface, who worked for little pay and promised to speed up the reconstruction many times over what the dwarves were capable of themselves. The artisans erected huge floating towers above the pit, serving as a base of operation for their work. They then began work on rebuilding the Great Forge, which the dwarves used to tap into the power of the ancient imprisoned fire primordial, Maegera, who resides deep below Gauntlgrym in what is known as the Fiery Pit. Soon after the forge was rebuilt, the Cult of the Eternal Flame showed up, and the artisans fled for their lives.

The Lords’ Alliance quickly received word of the attack and rallied troops to protect their allies, and other interests in Gauntlgrym. They soon realized the size of the cultist force they were up against, which includes Fire Giants, Fire Archons, Flame Spikers, and Magma Brutes, as well as some new threats: Fire Striders, bipedal reptilian beasts which the cult has trained as deadly mounts. If matters weren’t dangerous enough, they also began to see an influx of hostile duergar, the evil grey dwarves who live in the neighboring caves. The Lords’ Alliance put out the call for skilled adventurers to come and bolster their fighting force. They’ll be working alongside the Lords’ Alliance, as well as some rather unlikely allies to defeat these new threats. But, can these bold adventurers stop the Cult of the Eternal Flame and their prophet leader, the temptress, Vanifer, from carrying out their plans before they bathe the world in fiery destruction?

Spinward Rise – Level 67

With the threat of the Elemental Evil Cults clear, the Harpers have been searching hard to discover the base of the last of the elemental cults. Thanks to a various clues found while fighting the previous cults, the heroes have discovered the final cult stronghold in the clouds above Neverwinter Wood. Held aloft by cloud giant magic, the Cult of the Howling Hatred has built a stronghold in the guise of a floating island observatory established by the supposed avariel, Aerisi Kalinoth.

Once the Harpers realized this was in truth the final Elemental Evil cult, they gathered allies to invade Spinward Rise and prevent the creation of further devastation orbs. Harper-aligned wizards with the help of a priest of Shaundakul helped activate an ancient portal to this skyward realm, and together with their aarakocra allies plan to take the fight to the air cult.

Sharandar – Level 71

Envoys of the Iliyanbruen fey have come to Neverwinter seeking help from powerful adventurers.

Level 70 adventurers may speak to Sergeant Knox to investigate the plight of these envoys, starting with the quest, "The Mystery of Sharandar."

Once players complete the opening quest line, they will have permanent access to their newest Adventure Zone, Sharandar.

Players can come back daily for more ways to help the Iliyanbruen, and in return, they'll have access to new gear, new enchantments, and permanent passive buffs.

Dread Ring – Level 72

Dread Ring is the next step in the adventurer’s end-game journey.

The recent Thayan Resurrection has caused much turmoil amongst the Red Wizards of Thay, some wanting to return Thay to the rule of the zulkirs, some still in service to Szass Tam. In a desperate bid to consolidate her power, Valindra Shadowmantle has decided to accelerate her plans at the Dread Ring to raise the ancient black dragon Lorragauth. Red Wizard insurgents revealed to Lord Neverember Valindra’s plans, and now a force of heroes from Neverwinter has been sent to try and stop Valindra.

Take up the battle to thwart the lich’s evil plans by visiting Sgt. Knox in Protector’s Enclave at level 70 and taking the “Conquering Our Dread” quest.

Icewind Dale – Level 73

The region of Icewind Dale is now available!

Players can start by talking to Sergeant Knox and accepting his quest, A Chill Wind.  They'll be sent to Caer-Konig, a small town in the frozen region of Icewind Dale.  This town has recently developed a bustling community of adventurers and profiteers thanks to the dangerous but powerful resource, Black Ice.

Icewind Pass will be the first zone players will reach.  This location features a trade route skirting the edge of the great mountain, Kelvin's Cairn, beset by creatures and barbarians who covet the newly-discovered Black Ice deposits.

After testing their mettle and assisting the citizens of Caer-Konig, adventurers will be able to travel to Dwarven Valley, the site of an ancient battlefield and another precious source of Black Ice.

New Oathbound Paladin Class!

Oathbound Paladins can become either tanks or healers using their Paragon Paths, which allow them to take either an Oath of Protection or an Oath of Devotion. These paths confer unique passives in addition to their own powers, as well as modifying all encounter powers the Paladin has.

Class Mechanics

  • Divine Call: Using this consumes a pip of power and generates an effect based upon your Oath.
    • None - Deals damage to all foes in a 30' area.
    • Protection - You taunt all foes in a 30' area and gain 10% increased Damage Resistance for 10 seconds. You reflect 5% of incoming damage back to the attackers while this effect is active. (Max 5% of your Max HP).
    • Devotion - You unleash a burst of healing in an AoE. Allies are healed for X. Subsequent casts of this within 10 seconds heal for 50% more.


Tactical Maneuver

  • Zone of Sanctuary: You gain 30% increased damage resistance and are healed every second while you maintain this Zone. Allies in the zone gain 10% damage resistance and are also healed.
    • Protection - Increases the damage resistance you gain to 60%. Allies gain 20%.
    • Devotion - Healing of Zone of Sanctuary increased by 500%.


At-will powers

  • Valorous Strike: You strike your foe with your weapon, channeling the forces of Justice to destroy your target. The final hit of this combo grants you "Valor."
    • Valor - Damage Resistance is increased by 5% for 15 seconds. Does not stack.
  • Radiant Strike: You strike a foe, unleashing a burst of light. The longer this strike is charged, the more damage it does and the larger the area it affects. At full charge it also grants you "Radiance."
    • Radiance - Your Armor Penetration is increased by 5% for 15 seconds. Does not stack.
  • Oath Strike: You strike your foe with a quick flurry of blows. The final strike of this combo changes based on the Oath you select.
    • None - Deals bonus Radiant damage.
    • Protection - Forces the target to attack you for 3 seconds, as well as moving you to the top of the threat list. Players deal 75% less damage to other targets for 3 seconds.
    • Devotion - You have 10% stronger healing for 15 seconds. You also unleash a burst of healing light near the foe, healing all allies.


Class Features

  • Aura of Courage: You and allies within 30' of you deal bonus damage equal to 1% of the Paladin's Max HP. (+25% per rank).
  • Aura of Vengeance: You and allies within 30' of you deal damage to any foe who strikes them (+25% per rank).
  • Aura of Truth: Foes within 30' of you deal 5% less damage (+2.5% per rank).
  • Aura of Wisdom: You and allies within 30' have 15% increased Recharge Speed.
  • Aura of Haste: You and allies within 30' move 20% faster and generate AP 20% faster.
  • Aura of the Templar: You and allies within 30' have 5% more crit and have 15% more critical severity.


Encounter powers

  • Divine Touch: Deal Heavy Radiant damage to all foes in an area around the target.
    • Protection - You gain a shield that absorbs damage for 6 seconds.
    • Devotion - You heal all allies near the foe as well.
  • Sacred Weapon: You strike your foe, imbuing your weapon with holy energy. Your next 5 attacks also deal bonus radiant damage.
    • Protection - This power now taunts foes you strike with it.
    • Devotion - Sacred Weapon now empowers your next 5 heals rather than your next 5 attacks. Can now be cast without a target.
  • Burning Light: You emit a blinding light for 4 seconds, damaging and disorienting foes who are caught in its light. Only affects foes who are looking at the Paladin. Charged.
    • Protection - While you are emitting light you receive 100% more healing.
    • Devotion - The light now also heals allies caught in it.
  • Bane: You place a holy mark on a target. This target deals 10% less damage and takes 10% more damage for 10 seconds. This effect can be stacked up to 3 times. 3 Charges.
    • Protection - This foe is also taunted.
    • Devotion - The mark may now be placed on allies to increase the damage they deal and reduce the damage they take for 10 seconds.
  • Banishment: You banish all targets in an AoE for 20 seconds. These foe are stunned and become invulnerable until the stun ends. This stun lasts 6 seconds on players.
    • Protection - When the stun breaks on those foes they are taunted (Players deal 75% less damage to other targets) for 6 seconds.
    • Devotion - Now also grants allies in the area increased damage resistance.
  • Templar's Wrath: You unleash a storm of holy energy, dealing heavy damage to all nearby foes and stunning them.
    • Protection - You gain Temp HP equal to 15% of the damage you deal.
    • Devotion - You grant Temp HP to all allies in the radius in addition to damaging foes.
  • Cleansing Touch: You heal target ally and remove any CC effects from them. You may activate this power while controlled. If you have an enemy targeted while casting this power you instead heal and cleanse all allies in melee range.
    • Protection - Healing done by this power grants the Paladin Temp HP equal to 20% of the healing done.
    • Devotion - This power now always activates in an AoE, even when an ally is targeted.
  • Vow of Enmity: The Paladin deals 20% more damage to the target of his Vow. Once a target has been marked by Vow, subsequent casts of this power cause the Paladin to unleash a brutal strike on that target. It lasts for 60 seconds or until the target dies.
    • Protection - Allies who strike the target of your vow generate threat for the Paladin.
    • Devotion - Allies who strike the target of your Vow are healed each time they strike.
  • Smite: A bolt of fire crashes down from the sky, setting the target alight after dealing heavy damage. All foes within 15' of the burning foe take damage when he burns.
    • Protection - Foes who are affected by the burning effect of this power deal 15% less damage for 3 seconds. This effect is refreshed each tick.
    • Devotion - When the foe burns, healing is released in an AoE around him.
  • Absolution: You place a shield on your ally. This shield lasts until it breaks.
    • Protection - The absorption effect of the shield is increased.  Self-cast only.
    • Devotion - Allies under the effect of your shield receive 20% more healing.


Daily powers

  • Heroism: You are imbued with Divine bravery. You gain 100% of your HP as Temp HP and take 15% less damage for 15 seconds. You become immune to all controlling effects.
  • Lay on Hands: You immediately heal the target for 100% of their Max HP and remove all damage over time effects from the target. This power consumes AP proportional to the amount of HP the target is missing. 20s CD.
  • Divine Judgment: For 20 seconds you and all allies within 30' deal bonus radiant damage each time they cast a spell or attack a foe.
  • Shield of Faith: You summon divine shields to protect you and your allies for 15 seconds. Any damage taken by allies is reduced by 50% and they receive 20% more healing.


Oath of Devotion Paragon Path

Paladins who take an Oath of Devotion become conduits for divine power, able to heal the most grievous wounds and defying any evil that would stand before them. With purifying light they walk through any hardship, serving as a beacon of hope.

Class Mechanics

  • Oath of Devotion: Your healing is increased by 100%. When you heal an ally you also increase their stats by 5% for 8 seconds. This effect does not stack and only works if you actually restore HP to the target.


At-Will powers

  • Cure Wounds: Heal a targeted ally or yourself if there is no target.


Class Features

  • Aura of Restoration: You and allies within 30' of you receive 10% more healing from spells. (+5% per rank).
  • Aura of Divinity: Up to 3 wounded allies within 30' of you are healed every 3 seconds (+25% per rank).
  • Aura of Life: Allies within 30' of you who are in near death state are revived and healed for 15% their HP. This ally receives resurrection sickness. (+5% per rank).


Encounter powers

  • Bond of Virtue: All allies within 60' become bonded. Allies who are bonded gain 20% increased healing from all sources. Additionally any time you heal a bonded ally, other bonded allies receive 15% of that healing. (+5% healing received and +5% shared per rank). This effect lasts until toggled off or the Paladin becomes disabled.


Daily powers

  • Healing Font: You place a Healing Font for 40 seconds that will attempt to heal any wounded ally within 60' of it. This heal chains to nearby damaged allies and can chain up to 5 times.


Oath of Protection Paragon Path

Paladins who take an Oath of Protection become an aegis against any and all evil, protecting their allies and weathering any assault that their foes can muster. Their unflinching resilience is both inspiring and terrifying.

Class Mechanics

  • Oath of Protection: Your Damage Resistance is increased by 10%, you generate 500% more threat. When you take damage you gain power proportional to the amount of damage you took. This bonus caps at 50% of your Max HP in Power.


At-Will powers

  • Shielding Strike: On the final strike of this combo you gain a shield that absorbs damage. This shield stacks up to 3 times and lasts 8 seconds.


Class Features

  • Aura of Protection: You and allies within 30' of you take 5% less damage (+2.5% less per rank).
  • Aura of Wrath: You and allies within 30' gain up to 20% bonus damage as your Hit Points diminish. (+5% per rank)
  • Aura of Radiance: All foes within 30' of you take damage every 3 seconds. This damage builds bonus threat. (+25% damage and threat per rank).


Encounter powers

  • Binding Oath: All targets near the Paladin are forced to attack him for 2 seconds. During this time he absorbs all damage against him. When this effect expires he takes 50% of that damage and deals 50% of it to all foes in an AoE. Players affected by this power deal 75% less damage to targets who are not the Paladin. (+2s per rank).


Daily powers

  • Divine Protector: You shield all your allies from harm. You redirect 100% of damage they would take to yourself. All damage you would take while this effect is active is reduced by 80%.


VIP Program

As a new optional purchase to enhance your Neverwinter experience, the VIP Program can grant free items daily (including an Enchanted Key), bonus XP, Astral Diamonds and more!

Each 30 days of time purchased unlocks an additional rank, granting access to more and better rewards (up to Rank 12). Did your time lapse? Don’t worry, you can pick up right where you left off and reactivate any features you have previously unlocked.

You can even unlock the ability to summon a portable bank, mail and even open (and use) the Overworld Map from anywhere.  These are usable by any other nearby players, which means you get to share some of your benefits with them!

For more details, please read the blog post here.

Open World PvP

When first starting out in Caer-Konig, you will be introduced to the Arcane Brotherhood and the Ten-Towners. Every day you adventure in Icewind Dale you will need to choose to sign a contract with one of them. You may break your contract and change sides if you need to.

In Icewind Pass and Dwarven Valley you will notice, on your main map, an area colored in dark red. This area is the PVP area. Players that enter this area will be flagged for PvP.

The PVP area of the map is where you can complete your PvP daily quests, compete for larger and richer Black Ice resources and even take part in a large PvP Heroic Encounter.

Your PVP flag will remain ON even outside of the PVP area. While in zone, once you are flagged, you remain flagged until you visit a campfire or die. This means that you can enjoy many different types of PVP gameplay. Guild battles, Competitive PvE, and the feeling of open world PvP.

This PvP is optional and is not required for progression in the PvE Icewind Dale Campaign, though participation can expedite harvesting Black Ice.

Black Ice

You need it to forge your powerful Black Ice items and gear as well as to empower your Black Ice gear.

You can get Black Ice in a number of ways. You can mine or harvest it from nodes you find while adventuring. You can earn some when completing missions or Heroic Encounters and get some as drops when defeating another player in Icewind Pass or Dwarven Valley.

Black Ice Shaping Profession

After investing in the Ice Forge in the Icewind Dale Campaign you will be able to refine and forge powerful gear to better resist the powerful attacks the corrupted creatures of Icewind Dale are unleashing.

The ranks of the profession are linked to the PVE campaign and the upgrading of the Black Ice Forge.

  • At Rank 1 you are able to process the Black Ice you find, mine and earn while in Icewind Pass or Dwarven valley.
  • At rank 2 you can begin upgrading your Black Ice armor and accessories.
  • At rank 3 you can make your weapon and some very powerful enchantments.


Black Ice Empowering

Once upgraded to their corrupted or purified forms, Black Ice equipment can be further empowered with Black Ice, increasing the stats of the items.

To empower your items open your character page and select one of your Black Ice items.

Choose “Black Ice Empowerment.” By moving the slider you can increase the power of your item. Select “Commit” and check out your new stats.

Black Ice empowering is unstable and doesn’t last forever, when you use empowered Black Ice equipment in combat the effects will fade over time. Eventually the empowerment will be drained and you will need to empower your gear again.

PvP Campaign

Neverwinter will now feature a PvP Campaign, which will have daily quests focused on slaying other players or navigating through dangerous PvP areas for resources. The PvP campaign is not limited to Icewind Dale. Players can progress the campaign in domination and Gauntlgrym as well. This campaign enables further advancement for PvP characters. There are additional boons and rewards along this campaign suited for PvP players.


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