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24-Hour Neverwinter Child's Play Marathon!

By sominator | Fri 09 Aug 2013 07:00:27 PM PDT


Adventurers, your Neverwinter Community team is running a 24 hour Neverwinter marathon livestream on Tuesday, and we’ll be taking donations for Child’s Play!


The livestream will be a true marathon: Our team will be going nonstop from noon on Tuesday until noon Wednesday, cracking jokes, running dungeons, hanging out with players, and fighting off sleep madness.


If we make you laugh, think about donating to Child’s Play. We’ve set up a donation campaign with Child’s Play for this livestream, and you can donate here. Child’s Play works to make hospital stays easier for sick kids, by providing them with games, toys, books and more fun stuff. Your donations can make a scary situation a little bit easier for a sick child.


In addition to showing off all the new Fury of the Feywild content on our Preview shard and hanging out with players, we’re going to be giving away prizes, having drop-ins with one or two devs, and guest-starring other members of the Perfect World team.


Make sure to tune in on Tuesday for this massive marathon for charity!


The livestream will be up at


You can donate to Child’s Play here.

Start time: 12:01 PM PDT, Tuesday 8/13
End time: 12:01 PM PDT, Wednesday 8/14

(Click here for a time zone converter)


Things we’ll be giving away:

-Fury of the Feywild Packs

-Neverwinter promo chests, with a Valindra statue and more

-Gaming mice

-Gaming keyboards

-Neverwinter T-shirts

-A few D&D board games

-And more!


Click here to register for Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Become a Knight of the Feywild or Hero of the North today with a Feywild Pack or Neverwinter Pack purchase!


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Want more game details, screens, and videos? Like Neverwinter on Facebook for more fan-exclusive content and follow us on Twitter – tweet us your questions! And, subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest Neverwinter videos.


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