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Neverwinter: Guild Spotlight: True DragonBlood

By Andy (StrumSlinger) | Fri 10 Jul 2015 07:00:00 AM PDT

What's the story of how your guild was founded?
When I started playing Neverwinter two years ago, I had been struggling with the way this game was being approached by the majority. Countless parties could not agree on a tactic and ended up fighting each other or exploiting their way through the dungeons, not caring about their team members. Discouraged by these happenings, I thought the end of my adventurers were near. That is when I met Mordecai, a swift rogue at the time. We shared the same idea that this game had to be played as intended and soon we became friends.

Then one day I stumbled up on an NPC named Anton Omeris, who offered the opportunity to create a guild, a house that bonds adventurers who share the same ideas. I was convinced there should be more players like us in a guild where I could bring them together and make this an enjoyable journey for all of us. Mordecai was more than eager to help me, so we found three willing victims to join us, just for the sake of creating a guild and both became True DragonBlood’s first two members.

How did your guild choose its name?
Our guild name's origin isn't very graceful. Initially we wanted to name it Dragon Blood, because dragons are great beasts, with power and pride, something we wanted to associate with. Sadly that name was already taken at the time. Both me and Mordecai were watching a television show named True Blood, that is where the word "True" came in. Of course we also ARE the TRUE DragonBloods and it was just a kind of funny poke towards the other guild who (jokingly) "stole" our name.

What's the message you want conveyed about your guild?
Our main goal is to welcome any hero who likes to play the game as intended and show other heroes that Neverwinter can be played without exploits, as long you put your mind and effort into it. We also want everyone to feel welcome and have fun. We treat our fellow guild members like family and are there to help anyone to the best we can, beginner or expert it does not matter. We are here to pick each other up, laugh or cry about our defeats and celebrate our victories together.

Any favorite hang-out spots?
Currently we have no favorite hangout spot, but I am sure our guild’s Stronghold will become a favorable spot. However we had several hilarious moments in Protectors Enclave, like creating a mount train and riding it all through the city in slow motion and an anniversary party in the Tower of Alteration that got quite wild. Those where good moments and we hope to have many more.

What's one of the best guild events you've done?
That is a hard question! I asked our guild members and they said that one of the best guild events we had done was the Castle of Knowledge and Lore event, closely followed by the Great Grand Egghunt. The Castle of Knowledge and Lore was a quiz and puzzle event taking place in a foundry. The participants had to find (hidden) NPC's or objects that held questions about Neverwinter. Wrong answers resulting into combat or obstacles, right answers resulting into opening the way to the next question. The participant with the fastest finishing time won a Shard of Valindra's Crown, but we had many other prizes.

What has you most excited about Strongholds?
EVERYTHING! We had been waiting long for this expansion, even before Strongholds became a thing we had discussed and longed for a guild home that we could potentially build up from scratch, so much that we submitted these ideas to the forums. Obviously we were very pleased when we saw this expansion announced. I heard positive comments from what we seen from Strongholds so far and we are happy to see Neverwinter informing their fans. I was lucky to get a sneak peek at the Stronghold PvP game, although it sure is hard to keep it all a secret. I am convinced everyone will love it when they get to see it for themselves.

If your guild was an animal, what would it be?
Obviously, a dragon! But if we had to choose a real life animal, it would be a polar bear. Polar bears are becoming pretty rare, we can be big and powerful, go through icy wind and dig through piles of snow to succeed. However, we are also cuddly, warm and caring, keeping our family safe at night. Are you getting emotional? Cause I am...

Who can players contact if they want either more information or want to join the guild?
Players can contact Elva@elvalianon or Mordecai@splarigus for more info or invites. We’ll gladly tell you more about us. Don't worry about your level or level of experience.

Any final comments?
Yes! We love to welcome you, players of Neverwinter, to join us in our fight against evil. With Strongholds coming up we are planning to strengthen our guild with more PvP and PvE players. Fighting evil can be difficult, but together we can make it an enjoyable journey.


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