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Spelljammer Has Docked!

By Ambassador Kael | Tue 07 Nov 2023 08:30:38 AM PST


Our newest module, Spelljammer, is now live on all platforms! Venture into the stars, Adventurers, and you can experience all new features like:

Feature Highlights

Campaign & Adventure Zone: Light of Xaryxis & Wildspace

People across the whole of Faerûn are reporting shooting stars in the night sky. Fearing the celestial event to be an ill omen, Lord Neverember summons his bravest heroes and readies his guard. Just as he issues his final command to Sergeant Knox, a jagged object crashes down outside the city walls. As the smoke clears to reveal a massive crystalline seed, otherworldly elves begin assaulting the city.

Be prepared to journey beyond the Sword Coast, Faerûn and even the planet Toril itself as you blast off into Wildspace!

Further information can be found in the Campaign and Adventure Zone Dev Blog.


New Trial: Defense of the Moondancer

Your adventures in wildspace would not be complete without peril! While chasing the Dirty Deceit of the Xaryxian Empire, you, and the crew of the Moondancer are ambushed by its very captain: Captain Zoor’lar. The newest Trial can be done on Normal, Advanced, or Master difficulty with a variety of achievements and challenges.

Further information can be found in the Defense of the Moondancer Dev Blog.


New Lockbox: Miniature Giant Space Lockbox

Welcome to Wildspace, adventurers, where even folks from Faerûn cannot fully prepare for the flora, fauna, and the foes they’ll face! The first lockbox you’ll come across with the release of our 27th module, Spelljammer, will be the Miniature Giant Space Lockbox. Along with the standard lockbox rewards, our two headlining items are the Giant Space Hamster mount and the Xaryxian Defector companion.


Further information can be found in the Miniature Giant Space Lockbox Dev Blog.


New Battle Pass: First Contact

Falling stars have been sighted along the Sword Coast! Uncover the meaning behind this astral enigma in Fell Doom, the first campaign of the new First Contact Battle Pass. Starting November 7, adventurers can progress through milestones, completing random queues and participating in missions and Heroic Encounters to unlock out of this world rewards!

Further information can be found in the First Contact Battle Pass Dev Blog.


Boon Updates & Paladin Class Updates

Over time, as more campaigns have awarded more boon points, some characters have pretty much all the boons that they care about. While technically it was still possible to spend boon points, those points were typically spent on boons the player didn’t care much about. In this module, we wanted to make some smaller modifications that meant all characters had something to spend their hard-earned boon points on.

Overall, we felt the Paladin class was in decent shape at the very high end – Paladins were still sought after in the very hardest group content. But beginning and intermediate Paladins often had more trouble, and we wanted Paladins to be a solid choice at all item levels.

Further information can be found in the Boons and Paladin Updates Dev Blog, the Boons Feedback Forum Thread, and the Paladin Feedback Forum Thread.


QoL Updates: Damage Floaters & Queue Group Management

Additional improvements have been made to combat text readability. In this module, we are displaying icons that show all the damage effects rather than just the one with the highest priority, and we’ve improved the Damage Over Time display.

In this initial phase to Queue Group Management, you can now see your entire queue group. Everyone’s information appears in the same Team area but in a smaller format, so that we can fit all nine players (everyone but you) into the space. You can interact with each queue group member using the mouse or controller, just like the normal teammate display, to see the player context menu.

Further information can be found in the Damage Floaters and Queue UI Dev Blog.

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