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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Shadow of Cestus

Von LaughingTrendy | Do 12 Mai 2016 14:00:00 PDT

A conflict on Cestus III led to the legendary duel between Captain James. T. Kirk and a Gorn captain. After Kirk showed mercy towards his defeated enemy, both captains were returned to their respective ships alive and well. The planet which hosted their conflict, Edren IV, is a mineralogist’s dream. While tensions remain high, the Gorn and the Federation have agreed to explore and use this miraculous world’s resources jointly. Edren IV sees peace… for now.

“In the Shadow Of Cestus” takes 23rd century Starfleet officers to the iconic desert landscape seen in the Original Series episode “Arena”. This is the first episode available to temporal agents after the tutorial’s conclusion. Creating a temporal agent will unlock special benefits for that character. Prior to the launch of our latest expansion Agents of Yesterday, Gold and Lifetime players will have access to this mission on Tribble. Once Agents of Yesterday launches, it will be available to all players.

You can easily access this mission by creating a new “TOS Starfleet” character from the character creation screen. Look for future updates on new missions as the launch day approaches, and we’ll see you in-game for the release of Agents of Yesterday!

Discuss in the forums.

The life of a Temporal Agent will take you across time and space to strange frontiers and deadly battlegrounds with the Temporal Agent Pack.

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