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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: December Screenshot Contest

Von LaughingTrendy | Di 12 Jan 2016 12:57:47 PST

Honorable Mention - Felisean

Hello Captains,

The holidays are already behind us, and we've already made first few steps onto the 2016. We hope you've had a good time and great holidays. While something ends, there's always something new beginning. In this case, we bring you the conclusion of the December Screenshot Contest, with the "Winter Festivities" theme!

We had tons of entries this month with Q's Winter Wonderland going on! Granted, it did take us longer, but some of us were still in the winter- sleep mode, winter Borg-regeneration, etc... Oh wait, is that even a thing...? Err. Nevermind. Irrelevant discourses detected.

What is important though, is that we have the winners. I repeat, we have the winners!

1st Place - Raawke (1500 ZEN)

Troubles in the Ginger Village? Call the little snowmen and ginger-man brigade to the help, immediately. This vigilant group led by a Ginger Man has spotted trouble in the village! For the observant eye, you'll catch tons of wonderful details that we loved in this picture. From Earth Spacedock hovering in orbit to Q's sleigh lead by one intrepid Gingerbread Klingon, this is an absolute winner.

2nd Place - Olympus7 (1000 ZEN)

Green scaley lizard dressed up as Santa with a small heart? Perfect. Who is that small person next to him brining all Holiday cheer? This lovely picture harkens to Winter classic that our entire team loved. Maybe that ZEN will make the Gorn's heart grow three times its size.

3rd Place - Faviok (500 ZEN)

Well, well, well - That's some bounty collected. He literally brought us the Snowmen Overlord's head. Well done, you can expect your payment in Zen for your efforts in hunting this biiiig troublemaker. They've been a trouble this year, weren't they?


But, that's not all, don't go anywhere yet. We appreciate your work, and it'd be shame to not share some more of the entries we've had last month.

Honorable Mention - Lieutenantusher

Honorable Mention - Woodyvalley

Honorable Mention - Zlimer101

If you haven't win this time, perhaps you can try in the January Screenshot contest again! It's already up & running - and the theme of your screenshots is completelly up to you this month! It's your opportunity to shine and impress us with the best you can do! Looking forward to seeing your artwork.

As always, if you have any questions regarding the Screenshot contest - don't be afraid & shoot a line to @jodarkrider or @laughingtrendy. They will be able to answer any & most likely all questions you might have.

Annnd that is really all for now, Captains. Thank you everyone for entering the December Screenshot Contest.

See you next month!


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