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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Season 10.5 Now Live!

Von LaughingTrendy | Do 16 Jul 2015 09:04:00 PDT

The war with the Iconians began just three months ago, and while the Alliance hasn’t had many victories, the latest discovery of an intact Krenim colony has given them hope. I’m really excited to continue the story of the Iconian War with the release of "Broken Circle," an episode that will see your captains and the Alliance take part in an offensive against the Iconian invaders. Featuring Aron Eisenberg as Nog, Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine, and Robert Duncan McNeal as Tom Paris, this episode will be packed with some amazing action and there are going to be some story moments here that no one will want to miss! 

In addition to our exciting continuation of the Iconian War, we have two new fleet-related systems going live today. Our Krenim Research Facility will allow players to construct another holding and earn exciting new rewards as a fleet. Potentially even more exciting than that, we’ll be releasing our Armada System as well. This will allow up to 13 fleets to band together and form an Armada, which will let them cross-donate to each other’s projects and work together towards increasing Armada-wide reward bonuses.

On top of all of these great new features we’ve also updated all of our advanced queues to remove all failure states.  Captains will now be able to enjoy the challenge of an advanced queue without fear of missing out on their rewards due to a single mistake.

This is a half season that is packed with exciting gameplay opportunities, and I can’t wait to see you in game!

Stephen Ricossa
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

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