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Star Trek Online

Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015)

Von LaughingTrendy | Fr 27 Feb 2015 11:39:47 PST

The Star Trek Online team is saddened to hear of the passing of Star Trek icon Leonard Nimoy.

As an actor, Mr. Nimoy helped define Trek from its first days. Spock was simultaneously an outsider and a member of the inner circle, an alien and the most human of all. As a writer and director, he shaped some of the Enterprise's most memorable adventures. Outside of Star Trek, he was a teacher, a poet, an artist and a father.

We were honored to have Mr. Nimoy as part of Star Trek Online. He helped us announce the development of STO at the Las Vegas convention in 2009, and returned to portray Spock again in the game itself. The few hours we were able to spend talking to him about Star Trek, its meaning and the impact Trek has had on its fans are something we will always treasure.

Today we honor Mr. Nimoy's legacy and extend our condolences to his family, his friends and his fans.

To absent friends …

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