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Star Trek Online

Elachi Ships & Winter Wonderland Livestream!

Von CaptainSmirk | Fr 19 Dez 2014 14:00:00 PST

Missed the show? Catch the recorded version here!

Join STO Community Manager CaptainSmirk this Friday, December 19th at 12PM PDT (click here for your local timezone) for our next Star Trek Online Livestream Broadcast of a trip to Q's Winter Wonderland to play with any brave Captains who want to take on the threat of the Ice Borg, eat some pies, and maybe even run some Fast & The Flurious! But that's not all...

Ice Skating Competition! Sign up here: Link to sign up thead

Don't forget to practice those Ice Skating moves, and build your perfect outfit for the competition as we will begin sign up for our Ice Skating Contest during this week's show! We will update this blog with a link to our Forum Page Sign Up sheet for the singles and doubles competitions that will remain open until the competition begins on January 10th, 2015! This will give contestants time over the winter break from work and/or school to practice your skating moves and create the utmost in STO Ice Skating Fashion! We will have a great selection of prizes ready for those who have the skills and poise to rule the ice lake, just in-time to have one last celebration in Winter Wonderland before Q whisks it away for another year.

Elachi Dreadnought Giveaway!

We will also be taking a tour of our newest Elachi ship, the Sheshar Dreadnought! We will give you a run through it's stats, as well as the Console set bonus, and we can check it's Bridge to see if we find any of those evil Elachi maturation chambers!

We will also be granting an Elachi Sheshar Dreadnought as our grand prize at the end of the Livestream to one lucky winner!*

Duty Officer Pack Giveaway!

We have multiple stacks of each type of Duty Officer Packs to giveaway during our show, to celebrate the return of our retired DOff Packs. Don't miss your chance to see what new Duty Officers you can unpack from these long lost selections.


As always, our crew will be ready to ice skate for your pleasure, and to answer questions and give out prizes through our TwitchTV Raffle.

*To be eligible to win, you only need to be logged in to Twitch and chat the keyword that we'll ask players to post (in addition to us saying it verbally, we'll post it in chat so you can copy and paste it) right before each giveaway. Any in-game prizes will be rewarded upon receipt of your in-game name@handle

We cannot wait to see everyone this Friday to share stories of the STSF Convention and enjoy both the Winter Event and all the Elachi as they rush to spoil the holidays for helpless victims across the quadrant! We are looking forward to seeing you in-game!

Community Manager
Star Trek Online

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