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Star Trek Online

Release Notes: November 25th, 2014

Von LaughingTrendy | Mo 24 Nov 2014 16:53:27 PST


  • Resolved an issue which caused Klingon captains who purchased the Shuffle Emote to have an item placed in the inventory which could not be opened.
    • The item should now unlock the Shuffle Dance emote when opened.
  • The Club 47 event has been extended to 10:00 AM PST on 11/28/14.
  • Resolved an issue which made the Pathfinder look white when the camera was zoomed far away from the ship.
    • This also includes players viewing other players who are flying the Pathfinder.
  • Resolved an issue which would cause the Gateway to crash when attempting to log in.
  • Resolved an issue which would occasionally cause a map to crash.
  • Removed the Cold based item projects from the Beams, Cannons, and Ground Weapon crafting schools in the R&D system.
  • Daily Mark boxes no longer have the bonus applied to them during Bonus marks Weekend events.
  • Infected: Manus PVE queue is available.
    • Resolved an issue where the Upload Virus task would not complete in Advanced mode.
  • Resolved an issue on ESD where the ceiling appeared lower when standing next to Malcolm Sissel.
  • Resolved an issue causing inconsistencies with the lower half of Female swimsuits.


Known Issues:

  • Gold and Ultra Rare Duty Officers do not correctly improve Success and Critical Success chances on assignments.
  • Gamepads and Joysticks are not functioning as they previously did before the launch of Delta Rising.
  • Caitian and Ferasan tails do not appear when wearing Club Wear.

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