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Star Trek Online

The Voyager Crew Returns!

Von LaughingTrendy | Di 02 Sep 2014 10:00:00 PDT

We’re pleased to announce that in continuation with the Voyager theme of Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), and Robert Picardo (The Doctor) will join Garrett Wang (Harry Kim) and Tim Russ (Tuvok) to reprise their characters from Voyager when Star Trek Online: Delta Rising launches later this fall.

Set 32 years after the events of Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek Online: Delta Rising will bring Captains into the Delta Quadrant – a mysterious region of space recently made easily accessible through an ancient Iconian gateway. As players explore uncharted worlds and interact with alien species, they will fight alongside legendary crew members of U.S.S. Voyager to investigate an unknown enemy presence.  

Stay tuned for our indepth look at the cast members that will be joining us in Delta Rising!


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