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Star Trek Online

Priority One Podcast - Smirk Returns!

Von CaptainSmirk | Di 15 Jul 2014 14:04:05 PDT


Catch the latest Priority One Podcast with your fellow Captains, Elijah, the snacktastic CookieCupCakes, and the whole P1 crew as they interview Star Trek Online's Community Manager Trevor 'CaptainSmirk' McNesby about the upcoming Star Trek Las Vegas panel, the latest news about the Season 9.5 Crafting Update, Smirk's interest in the Foudnry and much more in episode #182 of Priority One.

For those of you who have been following the latest news about the stellar Priority One "Beam Us To Vegas" fundraising campaign, our fearless podcasters spent this past Saturday teaming up with CaptainGeko on the Tribble test server for a live broadcast! The results are in and the P1 crew raised a ton of sponsorship for this campaign, and we are thrilled to announce that they are only a few hundred dollars away from their end goal of enough money to fly the whole team to Star Trek Las Vegas 2014! 

We are calling on those intrepid fans still out there in the STO galaxy to visit Priority One's IndieGoGo Fundraising Landing Page and donate to their "Beam Us To Star Trek Las Vegas 2014" fundraising campaign to help the inquisitive crew get to the biggest ST Convention of the year! With new additions to their reward packages, there is still time for you to pitch in and make this trip possible, to help get the whole P1 crew to the con to bring you the latest news about all things Star Trek. Please click here to be taken to the donation page and on behalf of P1, thank you!

Enjoy the show and keep your pointed ears perked for the next episode!

Community Manager
Star Trek Online


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