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Star Trek Online

Voyages of Smirkette Livestream!

Von CaptainSmirk | Fr 30 Mai 2014 15:00:00 PDT

These are the Voyages of Captain Smirkette:

Captain Smirkette
Mission: Hide & Seek
Stardate -308589.9543378996

We have received our new orders from Starfleet Command. Admiral Quinn has a special assignment for us, and I am honored that the Admiralty already thinks enough of my crew and I to set us to such important tasks. Our orders are to make our way to a far away nebula in hopes of uncovering more information about the Undine and their plans. We will have to be alert and ready for anything, and I personally will have to do all I can to settle my crew's nerves about the possibility of more shapeshifting spies among us.

With the crew still shaken from our encounter with the Undine imposter posing as Ambassador Soketh, our new mission will help to alleviate their concerns, and ensure them that we will continue to investigate what is surely a larger problem facing all of Starfleet.

What will we find the Undine are up to? Why are they targeting the Federation and the Klingon Empire? And why do I feel that this is only the beginning of something much larger than any of us suspect?

End log.




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