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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes 4/25/19

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 24 Apr 2019 18:52:03 PDT


  • Resolved and issue that was prevent Romulan and Klingon LootCrate promos from being claimed.
  • Resolved a crash that would sometimes occur when attempting to take all items from the Overflow bag.
  • Overflow bag can now hold up to 50 items before being restricted from purchasing new items from stores.


  • Operation Riposte Updates:
    • Klingons will appropriately retreat when there are no transports remaining in Phase 3.
    • Updated stations to have full immunity to Power Drain and Subsystem Offline effects.
    • Updated Transports so they can now explode.
    • Addressed typos within the Mission debrief and various contacts.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the mission door for “Renegades Regret”, to not display in gold text at high priority.


  • The Expedient Care trait now only reduces the cooldown of Kit Module and Captain Abilities.
  • The Expedient Repairs trait now only reduces the cooldown of Bridge Officer and Captain Abilities.
  • Resolved an issue where the Fleet version of the Vor'ral Support Battlecruiser was coming with a Universal Console pre-equipped.

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