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Star Trek Online

Foundry Spotlight: Time Will Tell, by XR-377

Von Ambassador Kael | Fr 16 Mär 2018 09:04:03 PDT

The Foundry is a special program within Star Trek Online that allows users to make their own episodes, playable by other Captains within STO. To access it, open your Mission Journal, and select “Foundry,” at the top. Every month, we like to spotlight a particularly interesting or unique mission for all of you to experience. This time, we’re spotlighting “Time Will Tell,” by XR-377.

Time Will Tell (ID: ST-HG930DWIE) is a KDF mission that begins when a mysterious anomaly appears in the Kahless Expanse, and takes its captains on a journey through time, space, and a plot that has its tongue firmly planted in cheek. I don’t want to spoil too many of its twists and turns, but be sure to keep a sharp eye out as you play, especially for some of the character names.

Got a mission you think is worthy of being spotlighted in one of our monthly blogs? Submit it to us! After you’ve built it in the editor, there’s an option to submit it for Spotlighting when you export. We hope you enjoy Time Will Tell, and we’ll see you in game, Captains.

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