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Star Trek Online

Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #48

Von PWE_BranFlakes | Mi 09 Okt 2013 12:00:26 PDT

Avenger Class Battle Cruiser

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus

The Avenger Class Battle Cruiser’s design aims to provide a durable warship that is more maneuverable than Starfleet’s existing cruisers, and can carry a devastating amount of firepower. However, it does sacrifice a measure of hull strength for this extra maneuverability. There is nothing subtle about this starship class. The Avenger’s aggressive silhouette and available firepower makes it a formidable and intimidating presence in any battle.

The Avenger’s size is much closer to a Klingon Battle Cruiser than a standard Starfleet Cruiser. This is largely due to the fact that the starship was designed by the Starfleet Engineering Corps to compete with the smaller, more agile vessels Starfleet is facing in battle. The Avenger class is also the first cruiser in Starfleet to be equipped with an Advanced Cruiser Communications Array.

Ships with Advanced Cruiser Communication Arrays provide the starship’s captain with three Command abilities that bestow benefits to both the captain’s starship and nearby allies.

Avenger Class Battle Cruiser

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus
((Click image above for a full-size screen))

NOTE: Purchase of this ship from the C-Store will make its owner eligible for a Fleet Ship Module reduction when purchasing the Fleet Avenger Class Battle Cruiser.

Ship Details

  • Minimum Rank: Vice Admiral (50)
  • Faction: Federation
  • Availability: C-Store
  • Hull Strength: 37,500
  • Shield Modifier: 1
  • Crew: 500
  • Weapons: 5 Fore, 3 Aft
  • Device Slots: 3
  • Base Turn Rate: 9 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: .15
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 4 Engineering, 4 Tactical, 1 Science
  • +10 Power to Weapons
  • +10 Power to Engines
  • Can Equip Dual Cannons
  • Console Synergy:
    • Can equip: Console – Universal – Cloaking Device
      • Found on Dreadnaught Cruiser and Tactical Escort Retrofit
      • The Avenger does not come with this console
  • Matter-Antimatter Warp Core
  • Cruiser Communication Array Abilities:
    • Command – Weapon System Efficiency
    • Command – Shield Frequency Modulation
    • Command – Strategic Maneuvering
  • Console – Universal – Variable Auto-Targeting Armament


Variable Auto-Targeting Armament (V.A.T.A.)

The Variable Auto-Targeting Armament is a very versatile weapon designed specifically for the Avenger Battle Cruiser. This overwhelming weapon fires a pair of Auto-Targeting Armament Projectiles that travel toward your designated target. Every few seconds, these projectiles will fire weapons (either torpedoes or a tachyon beam) at a random foe within 10 km. This highly versatile weapon system will function differently depending upon which Cruiser Command you currently active (it’s not influenced by other active commands you may be in range of), and can also be equipped on the Fleet version if you own it. It has a cooldown of 2 minutes.

V.A.T.A. Cruiser Command Influence - Shield Frequency Modulation

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus
((Click image above for a full-size screen))

While the Shield Frequency Modulation cruiser command is active, the V.A.T.A. will fire a pair Tachyon Armament Projectiles. These projectiles fire Tachyon beams at a nearby target every second that damage the target's shield facings. Upon impact, the Tachyon Armament Projectiles will detonate, dealing high kinetic damage and high shield damage in a 1.5 km radius. Foes affected by the blast will also have their shield hardness reduced for a short time.


V.A.T.A. Cruiser Command Influence - Strategic Maneuvering

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus
((Click image above for a full-size screen))

While the Strategic Maneuvering cruiser command is active, the V.A.T.A. will fire a pair of Chroniton Armament Projectiles. These projectiles launch Micro Chroniton Torpedoes at a nearby target every second that deal minor kinetic damage and have a chance to reduce the target's movement speed and turn rate. Upon impact, the Chroniton Armament Projectiles will detonate, dealing high kinetic damage. Foes affected by the explosion will also have their speed and turn rate reduced for a short time.


V.A.T.A. Cruiser Command Influence - Weapon System Efficiency (or Default if no command is active)

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus
((Click image above for a full-size screen))

While the Weapon System Efficiency cruiser command is active, or no cruiser commands are active, the V.A.T.A. will fire a pair of Quantum Armament Projectiles. These projectiles launch Micro Quantum Torpedoes at a nearby target every second. Upon impact, the Quantum Armament Projectiles will detonate, dealing very high kinetic damage. The Quantum Armament Projectiles and its Micro Torpedoes lack any secondary effects, but deal significantly more damage.


Console Synergy

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus
((Click image above for a full-size screen))

The Avenger Class Battle Cruiser can equip the Cloaking Device console that comes equipped on both the Dreadnaught Cruiser and Tactical Escort Retrofit. The starship was built to support key systems that would allow it emulate Klingon Battle Cruisers.


Fleet Avenger Class Battle Cruiser

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus
Fleet Material with Optional Alternate Pylon Configuration
((Click image above for a full-size screen))

With the release of the Avenger Class Battle Cruiser, a fleet version of the ship will also be made available to Starfleet players with a Tier 4 Shipyard in their starbase. The fleet variant gains the standard +10% to Hull Strength and Shields and additionally gains 1 additional Science console slot.

Ship Details

  • Minimum Rank: Vice Admiral (50)
  • Faction: Federation
  • Availability: Fleet Shipyard (Tier 4)
  • Hull Strength: 41,250
  • Shield Modifier: 1.1
  • Crew: 500
  • Weapons: 5 Fore, 3 Aft
  • Device Slots: 3
  • Base Turn Rate: 9 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: .15
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 4 Engineering, 4 Tactical, 2 Science
  • +10 Power to Weapons
  • +10 Power to Engines
  • Can Equip Dual Cannons
  • Can equip: Console – Universal – Variable Auto-Targeting Armament
  • Console Synergy:
    • Can equip: Console – Universal – Cloaking Device
      • Found on Dreadnaught Cruiser and Tactical Escort Retrofit
      • The Avenger does not come with this console
  • Matter-Antimatter Warp Core
  • Cruiser Communication Array Abilities:
    • Command – Weapon System Efficiency
    • Command – Shield Frequency Modulation
    • Command – Strategic Maneuvering


NOTE: The above stats for both ships are subject to change.


We hope you enjoy this incredible ship and look forward to seeing you flying one in-game! It will be available in the C-Store starting tomorrow.

Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
Systems Designer
Star Trek Online


Legacy of Romulus News Dev Blog Index

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