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Guild Spotlight: The Filthy Casuals

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Sa 11 Feb 2017 08:00:00 PST

What’s the story behind how your guild was founded?
The story behind our guild goes a little like this; we had a core group of guys that played fairly Casual-ly (see what I did there?). But we also had a few guys that were getting really up there in item level. We then had a dilemma on our hands. Do we grow or join an existing guild? After getting some input from our founders we decided we would try our hand at growing our guild as we did not want to lose what progress we had made. Little did we know that conversation would shape the future of our guild. We were met with a great new rush of recruits a lot of which turned into Officers, Veterans, and long standing members of our guild.
What’s the message you want conveyed about your guild?
The best way to answer this question is with a story. I consider myself the primary recruiter for the guild. That being said, when a new recruit show interests in joining, I always try to ask them why “The Filthy Casuals?” Not in a sense of an interview question, but in a sense of what piqued your interest in joining us and what is the Neverwinter community saying about us. I recently asked this question to a gentleman that wanted to join our guild. This was his response. “I have come across a few members of your guild in random dungeons. I recall one time when I was an under leveled Hunter Ranger trying to get into Valindra’s Tower. Everyone was waiting for me to arrive at the boss fight and when I turned up, I was met with whether or not they should boot me or let me stay and continue with the dungeon. The Filthy Casual member in the dungeon said “No, that everyone starts somewhere” and convinced the others to finish the dungeon with me. As the guild leader, I could not be more pleased by hearing this from a new recruit. Treating others how you would like to be treated goes a very long way in your guilds reputation.
If your guild had a superpower, what would it be?
Our guild’s super power would have to be Clairvoyance. To be able to predict the rise and fall of the Auction House and all of its idiosyncrasies. This would make life so much easier!

Any favorite hang-out spots?
We have worked very hard on getting our Guild Stronghold to where it currently is.  We are very proud of what we have built up.
If your guild was surrounded by a horde of zombies from the Dread Ring, what would you do?
This all depends on who is on the outer ring. If it is our top DPS, we would just one shot them, because Dread Ring zombies are trash. If our tanks were on the outside, they would probably just ignore them until the red 0s popping up got annoying, and then swat them like mosquitoes. However, if our haste clerics were on the outside, they would just pop Anointed Army constantly so we would never really notice the hoard. P.S. to all our guild Haste Clerics, I apologize for being the reason for your impending nerf…  

What’s one of the best guild events you’ve done?
Our favorite guild event was our Christmas event. We broke up our guild roster into equal groups of players and attached an officer as a secret Santa for that group. Each officer and several other high ranking guild members donated stacks of refinement, mounts, companions, and several other items that were given with a special message to each member. We thanked them for their part in helping us grow and letting them know how much we appreciated them.
If your guild was an animal, what would it be?
If our guild was an animal we would no question be a unicorn! Unicorns are majestic as…. I will think of a word later. Plus, with that being said you can literally find a large portion of our guild prancing around in their unicorn outfits.
What do you like the most about Storm King’s Thunder?
Our favorite part of the Storm King’s Thunder are the dailies. Of course since we just did not have enough dailies before. I kid. We really love that there is now a dungeon that really forces people to play their character well. The increased difficulty of Fang Breaker Island was a welcomed addition to Neverwinter.
Who can players contact if they want either more information or want to join the guild?
You can contact any officer, founder, or myself. We can be found at the Guild Vendor in Protectors enclave. You can also send a PSN message and or in game tell to Murda_City@Murda_City, ONUBAWSE@ONUBAWSE, and also Sirrius Black@powerfulBlack

Any final comments? 
We would like to thank you for taking the time to put together these guild spotlights. Also, a huge thank you to the person that nominated us, as it meant a lot to us to be nominated for this. I personally would like to thank our founders and officers as they are the main reason our guild is so successful and has grown to where it is now. We take a deep pride in having a great sense of community within our guild and that sentiment is reflected in our leadership.  And, as always Stay Filthy!


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