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Patch Notes: NW.60.20160307a.18

Von Andy (StrumSlinger) | Mi 13 Apr 2016 16:23:10 PDT

Release Notes


Day of the Dungeon Master

  • Heroic Feats of Heroism eligibility now resets at 3:00 AM server time (at the same time daily quests reset), rather than 20 hours after the last completion.


Content and Environment

The Maze Engine

  • Into the Maze Engine: The repeatable version of this quest can now properly be completed.


Combat and Powers

Demon Lords' Immortality set bonus

  • This set bonus now properly increases the player's damage if the player's hit points are below the target's.
  • This set bonus no longer increases the damage of certain powers by immense amounts.


Items and Economy


  • Ashen Brindle Horse may no longer be reclaimed from the Zen Market when the current character already has one.
  • Caer-Konig Frozen Treasures Voucher: This now properly gives Frozen Treasures credit for the Stronghold.
  • Gear from bosses and minibosses in dungeons once again properly drops on a per-player basis, rather than just dropping once and requiring players to roll on it.
  • Maze Engine Requisition XP Scroll: Characters may now properly use this item if they had previously opened an Emerald Enclave Requisition Pack.
  • Strongboxes of Surplus Equipment, Gems, and Influence now give the proper items, rather than Astral Diamond vouchers.
  • Tier 1 Dungeons now properly give a choice between two rings, necklaces, or belts, rather than just giving both.


User Interface


  • A "Leave Party" option no longer occasionally appears in player context menus when it is irrelevant.
  • An "Invite to Group" option no longer occasionally appears in player context menus when it is irrelevant.
  • Leaders may no longer kick players from the Queue Group during the "Waiting for Map" phase.
  • Players no longer receive "Map Transfer Failure" errors when declining queues.
  • The "Transfer Now" dialog no longer pops-up for a split second; players are now immediately transferred, so the dialog is no longer required.


Performance and Stability

  • A few more client crashes have been resolved, including one that occurs when logging out while an unbound mount tooltip is being viewed.
  • Certain low-poly objects no longer render without lighting.


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