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Neverwinter: Marks of Potency Pricing Changes

Von Andy (StrumSlinger) | Fr 18 Sep 2015 10:10:00 PDT

With the recent changes to the AD economy, we are going to be reducing the cost on a few items in the Wondrous Bazaar, and adding a new item.

  • Marks of Potency will be reduced from 25k AD to 6k AD
  • Greater Marks of Potency will be reduced from 100k AD to 25k AD
  • *NEW* Superior Marks of Potency will be priced at 100k AD


In addition, we are changing some of the upgrade requirements on higher end Enchantments and Runestones. Weapon and Armor Enhancement gems will not be changed at this time.

  • Going from Rank 10->11 will now cost 2 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
  • Going from Rank 11->12 will now cost 4 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency


We are reviewing all of the locations Greater Marks of Potency drop/reward in the game, and are swapping those for Superior Marks where appropriate. 

These changes will be going live very soon. Once they’re live and we can monitor performance for a bit, we will re-evaluate and see if further changes are necessary. As an FYI, we are continuing to monitor ALL Astral Diamond costs/performance/etc. as we work to balance this economy. Thank you for your patience.

Scott Shicoff

Lead Designer

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