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Neverwinter: Live Stream - The Portal 5/22 at 4PM PDT

Von Andy (StrumSlinger) | Mi 20 Mai 2015 13:59:57 PDT

Update #2:

Congrats to these three winners:

@Kaomwannabe - Contest:Portal Ruins - NW-DBHGNXJT4 (1st)

@Deiterate - Contest:Portal The Visit - NW-DPHR8QA77 (2nd)

@Locksheon - Contest:Portal Agathys - NW-DG7QUNJPC (3rd)

Update: Thanks for joining, everyone! If you missed it, here it is:

Watch live video from PerfectWorld_Community on Twitch

Greetings adventurers,

Over one month later, we’re finally ready to begin live streams once again. Our mages took time out of their scholarly schedules to renovate the stream room into something magical – a wondrous field of green lit by the stars! This will also be the first Neverwinter stream solely hosted by Community Manager, StrumSlinger (Andy).

As a celebration of the return of our streams, we’re going to be focusing on our very players who have made Neverwinter into a bustling community of its own. If you’ve been keeping up with the news, our Foundry community has a contest currently running called “The Portal,” which has eight entries all in the need of some proper judgment!  As the Community Manager, Andy feels like it’s his duty to shine a spotlight on these creative authors by streaming all eight of them before the people.

Official Entries for Reviewing:
@Zachariah92 - Contest:Portal The Forgotten - NW-DTKMPU3RQ
@Deiterate - Contest:Portal The Visit - NW-DPHR8QA77
@Waryur - Contest:Portal Space - NW-DQJBKTLNF
@Locksheon - Contest:Portal Agathys - NW-DG7QUNJPC
@Kaomwannabe - Contest:Portal Ruins - NW-DBHGNXJT4
@overocea - Contest:Portal The Matrix - NW-DAYLB7RXE
@orangefiree - Contest:Portal of the Planes - NW-DHIS9ZTH3
@torontodave - Contest:Portal Stahgate - NW-DIVGRN7SJ

We’re also going to be giving away 500 Zen to three lucky winners and one Giant Miniature Space Hamster. May Tymora’s favor be yours!

Who: CM StrumSlinger (Andy)

What: Live streaming the player-made contest, “The Portal”

Where: Perfect World Twitch Channel

When: Friday 5/22 from 4-5PM PDT (What time is this for you?)

Prizes: 3 x 500 Zen, 1 Giant Miniature Space Hamster

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