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Reddit AMA with HeyRogers on 12/17

Von Akromatik | Mi 17 Dez 2014 14:09:00 PST

Update: AMA with Rogers has ended! Head here to see what was asked:


Are you pondering PvP? Fantasizing about the future of Neverwinter’s Foundry or otherwise excogitating on the excitement that exists in Neverwinter’s future? Well, here’s your chance to have your questions answered by Neverwinter’s product manager, HeyRogers (we call him Ryan), in another Reddit AMA!

Reddit AMA with HeyRogers: Wednesday December 17th 2:00PM - 3:00PM PST (When is this for you?)

We’ve managed to coax our fearless product manager out of his forested lair to answer more questions from you guys, the Neverwinter community! We’ll be posting the AMA on the official Neverwinter Reddit page and will be using the PWE_Community username.

AMA stands for “Ask me anything” so feel free to ask HeyRogers anything that’s on your mind and he will answer to the best of his ability. Can’t make the AMA on Reddit? Submit questions on Twitter using #NWQuestion or on the Facebook post about this event and we’ll save them and have him answer them during the AMA!

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