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Patch Notes: 11/20/14

Von DwightMC | Do 20 Nov 2014 07:01:58 PST

Patch Notes: NW.35.20141104a.11

Classes and Balance

  • Devoted Cleric: Astral Fury: Now correctly improves damage when ranks are purchased.
  • Devoted Cleric: Break the Spirit: No longer incorrectly increased damage by more than expected in some cases.
  • Devoted Cleric: Forgemaster's Flame: No longer incorrectly increased damage by more than expected in some cases.
  • Trickster Rogue: Shadow of Demise: This feat can no longer stack on the same target multiple times.


Content and Environment

  • Tiamat's Bane Achievment: Fixed a case where the "Tiamat's Bane" achievement was being granted incorrectly. This heroic deed will now only be recognized after successfully defeating Tiamat.
  • Well of Dragons: Cover of Night Heroic Encounter: Rojadio the Invincible was living up to his name a little too much. He now properly becomes vulnerable when Sandesyl shows up to strip him of his magical protections.
  • Well of Dragons: Dragons should now properly retreat if their Heroic Encounter timer runs out, instead of suddenly vanishing in a puff of logic.
  • Well of Dragons: Fixed an issue where the dragon encounters could erroneously despawn if certain conditions were met.
  • Well of Dragons: The weekly quest, "Reclaiming the Hoard," can now be received on day one, after completing the quest "Factional Assets." Previously, it could only be taken after completing "An Extended Rest," the following day.



Items and Economy

  • Crucibles awarded from the Nine Hells lockbox can now be opened to grant the appropriate version of that item instead of one that does not work for both Jewelcrafting and Alchemy. Any new Crucibles gained will be the correct version.
  • Ring of the Dragonslayer properly scales with your level again.
  • Token of Chromatic Storm from the Nine Hells lockbox is now BoE. If you received one before 11/20 and need an unbound version, please contact customer support.


User Interface

  • The PvP campaign will once again display your correct campaign progress.


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