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Patch Notes - 10/16/14

Von DwightMC | Do 16 Okt 2014 07:03:05 PDT

Below are the patch notes from today's maintenance: 


  • The volume, frequency and hearing distance have all been decreased for many Tyranny of Dragons companions.


Content and Environment

  • Bottled Lightning: now requires only 5 jars to be sabotaged, all players within interaction distance of a sabotage jar get mission credit, jars respawn 25% faster
  • Isle of Tuern Skirmish Ambush objective no longer completes if the party wipes, it must be attempted again.
  • Lair of Lostmauth: The scorpions must now be defeated simultaneously to properly complete the encounter.
  • Lair of Lostmauth: Updated colission that used to allow a safe place to stand and still engage some enemies safely.


Items and Economy

  • Dragon Glyphs: These no longer deal unresistable damage unintentionally.
  • Duergar Theurge companion no longer deals area damage for each target hit that could stack with each other. Single target damage is unchanged.
  • Fashion items will now display on Dragonborn characters. (currently the Noble Finery Mask still does not display, this will be resolved in a later update)
  • Golden Dragon's Rage Great Weapon Fighter weapon no longer puts players into a Reaping Strike animation inappropriately.

User Interface

  • Guild Bank gold withdrawl permissions are properly respected again.

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