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Foundry Spotlight: A Dwarven Rebellion

Von DwightMC | Di 21 Jan 2014 06:00:00 PST

Welcome to the Neverwinter Foundry Spotlight!

The Foundry is Neverwinter’s featured toolset that allows players to create dungeons, stories, and adventures for everyone to play and experience.  With the Foundry, you can build your own missions, brimming with quests, non-player characters (NPCs), monsters, role-playing opportunities, and/or non-stop combat, and share them with the world.  Your imagination is the springboard for the Neverwinter Foundry.

The Foundry Spotlight is a community-driven column that focuses on hand-picked, inventive player-created dungeons that allow for action-packed combat, fun roleplaying opportunities, or other unique experiences.  These exciting missions are recommended if you’re looking for a place to start with playing user-generated content, or searching for inspiration for your own future dungeons.

This month’s spotlighted quest is “A Dwarven Rebellion,” from the campaign “An Echo of the Unknown Ballad” by Antonkyle, the second-place winner of the Foundry Contest: Tower District!


Quest Type: Story, Lore, Combat

Average Duration: 20 minutes

Amount of Combat: Medium

Starts at: World Map

Mission Summary:

While searching through the local jobs board, you feel a tap on your shoulder.  You turn to find a young lad staring at you.

He hands you a folded-up piece of parchment that reads simply, “A Letter from Sergeant Knox.”  As soon as you are in possession of the letter, the young boy scampers off.

The letter reads:

“I have an urgent task for you.  A small dwarven kingdom, Clan DiamondAxe, is under attack from an army of Many-Arrows orcs.  I need you to meet with a dwarf named Boindil near their stronghold and help him in any way you can.

If the Many-Arrows orcs are attacking a dwarven kingdom, then it can only mean trouble for us later down the line.  Any assistance you can offer will be much appreciated.”


“Really nice campaign” – rapphic

“Good story and excellent map and progression” – Bardiclug

“Very fun little adventure, highly recommended” – sharzadee

Author Tips:

A small dwarven kingdom is under siege by a band of orcs.

When you agreed to help lead an attack of mercenaries to aid the dwarves, you were unaware that this seemingly straightforward quest could change the face of Faerûn.

Join the discussion on the Foundry Contest: Tower District forum thread!

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