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Patch Notes: Version: NW.95.20180212a.7

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 07 Mär 2018 22:05:01 PST

Release Notes

Content and Environment

Soshenstar River & Instances

  • House of the Crocodile: Objects should no longer pop in and out of visibility while in the entry room.

Omu & Instances

  • Fane of the Night Serpent: Objects should no longer flicker and down-rez as much on low settings in the storage room.
  • Purge the Unclean: Banner aura effects no longer display at an angle from the ground.
  • The Quest Path now properly leads to the Nangnang shrine in related quests.



Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance

  • Control Wizard: Storm Spell now procs more consistently at the stated rate.
  • Hunter Ranger
    • Cordon of Arrows once again properly hits up to 5 targets.
    • Cordon of Arrows once again properly lasts for 20 seconds (up from 6).
    • Cordon of Arrows no longer incorrectly deals damage twice to the same target in certain circumstances.
    • Cordon of Arrows now properly deals Physical damage (instead of Radiant).



Items and Economy


  • Expedition Leader Pack: Trickster Rogues now properly receive Rare (Blue) quality Pilgrim weapons, rather than Uncommon (Green).
  • Primal Weapons and Off-Hands are now all Bind to Account on Pickup, rather than binding to character after upgrading.
    • Primal Weapons and Off-Hands bound this way will now become Bound to Account.
  • Resource requirements to restore Relics have been re-reduced.  Rejoice!
  • Spiders in zones other than Chult and Omu no longer incorrectly drop Spider Silk.



User Interface

Auction House

  • The Auction House no longer sometimes claims the player will be charged a roaming fee when they're at an auctioneer.


  • Achievements and other notifications now kindly wait until after a cutscene is over before they show up.
  • Certain enemies' health bars no longer incorrectly display as a solid white bar that doesn't immediately show damage dealt.


  • Sorting the Profession Resources and Assets bags now follows the same logic as it used to.
  • The Transfer option for items in the Overflow Bag is now consistently visible, and is only disabled when appropriate target bags are full.



Art, Effects, and Audio


  • A little audio cue has been added for when the player becomes Charmed by an enemy.
  • When interacting with treasure sites in Soshenstar River and Omu, digging and chest unlocking audio now plays.


  • Cradle of the Death God: Beams that shoot vertically from the Atropal no longer come out of the back of the Atropal's head.



Performance and Stability


  • A few stability and crash issues have been addressed.





  • Various localization fixes have been made in French, German, Italian, and Russian languages.


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