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Patch Notes: Version: NW.90.20171009a.6

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Do 26 Okt 2017 17:57:10 PDT

Release Notes

Items and Economy


  • Carpet of Flying: The Epic version of this mount no longer allows a second player to ride pillion.  The Legendary version is unaffected by this change.
    • Those who have already equipped their epic Carpet of Flying will automatically receive a Legendary Carpet of Flying costume, complete with the ability for a second player to ride pillion.
    • These players will not receive the combat or equip power of the legendary carpet.
    • This fixup will only affect players who have equipped the epic carpet before this update.
    • See this post for more details.
  • Rank 5, 7, and 8 Enchantments and Runestones that players had prior to Module 12b release have been updated to their new quality.



User Interface

Zen Market

  • After using a Race Reroll to change a character's gender, the pronouns used in emotes now update to match the chosen gender.  This change also covers characters changed prior to this update.


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