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Patch Notes: Version: NW.90.20171009a.5

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 25 Okt 2017 17:25:48 PDT

Release Notes

Content and Environment


  • Declining an in-progress PvP match no longer incorrectly breaks players' Leaderboard stats.


Items and Economy


  • Heart of the Blue Dragon can now properly be upgraded above Legendary quality like any other artifact.
  • Hunter's Keffiyeh: The Trophy Hunter buff provided by this item now increases power by 10%, up from 2.5%, when a Hunt is killed.  This buff no longer stacks, and now expires outside of Chult.
  • The Maze Engine Campaign Completion now properly allows players to accept all the quests they qualify for.  This fix should work for all players who previously purchased the Campaign Completion as well.
  • The Mimic in the Stronghold once again properly accepts Rank 7 and 8 enchantments and runestones.


Graphics, Performance, and Stability


  • Sort All Bags once again works properly, now that it doesn't crash the map.
  • Sell All Treasure no longer has a chance to crash the map.

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